Uggh.... It's so fresh though, and it still hurts very much that someone could throw out EVERYTHING in their life and move half-way across the country. You may say she is nuts... and I agree she is nuts.... but thats the nut I married and learned to love. =/
Jason of course it hurts to be cheated on and let down by some one you love. It will hurt for a while but you will get over the hurt believe me. I guess what really scares me about this is that you want to be married to someone so fractured. Kiddo you really need to recognize the part of you that thinks this is all okay or you will repeat this again and again.
If you choose to ignore your own sick self and not get professional help, please get a vasectomy so you don't ruin any children's lives by picking a crapy Mom for them. Seriously, children deserve better even if think you don't.