My only thought is that your therapist is trying to get you to slow down and I agree with that. Nothing needs to be decided immediately and especially with so much at stake, take your time. We or maybe it's just me....usually make our worst decisions based on a whim or a rash moment when we think we just can't take status quot anymore. I know I've regretted it every time I've done that and I hope you heed these words, they are the wisest words I have to offer.
Rome wasn't built in a day!
Therapy requires so much of you and you do best when you require little of yourself, by this I mean just relax, take it all in like a sponge but don't wring yourself out trying to make things happen. Trust the process and be patient!
This might be a good time to learn Guided Imagery and find your quiet place so you can meditate and calm yourself. When you are calm you will be better able to make good decisions.
As far as the meetings are concerned you might give it a try if you don't think it would be sending confusing messages to your wife. As a woman I hated wishy-washy thinking on my husbands part. Either $#!+t or get off the pot! You really need congruency in your life not confusion.