I have told my new therapist so much about JWD, some of the insightful comments here, and how much it has helped me and other dubs that we both now wonder if there are other JW Help sites. I really don't know as this was the first and only one I ever found, and it was just what I needed.
He has pegged me well as impatient, and knows I was vocal about my wake-up from JW. His advice right now is to back off totally on trying to help any others, and I have told him that many here have said no one will wake-up until they want to for some reason. As far as me feeling isolated and nearly friendless, he recommends going to JW meetings some, and really try to find points that I agree with. In other words, still do some JW meeting stuff for wife and son i.e. social reasons. I did admit that I had some really good friends at one time, and that JW's do encourage family values (in some ways) kindness, blah, blah, but that the word "bull$hit" would be on the tip of my tounge at all times if I have to attend anymore. He suggested it would help me "slow down" my thinking some, which may be good for my on peace of mind and family stability.
This practice has two shrinks and now this therapist I have seen. They all feel JW is a high control cult or cult-like group. One more thing he thinks is likely to happen, and that the other shrinks almost recommended is divorce. JW has been the center of my life, my marriage, and without it in my heart, my wife seems almost like a stranger to me, and me to her. We just don't have a lot in common now without JW. I may try to slow down a little and try SocialJWism. Divorce sucks IMOP! I had 15 yrs and two great kids in one and got trashed, now ten from marrying on the rebound. I don't want to start over. I have a great wife in so many ways, but somehow I don't things will ever be the same. I know some of you have been married a long time one in and one out and have been advised here to build on the things we do have in common, and about all that is there is cooking and travel. Let's face it, you can only travel so much.......oompa