Oh darn I thought she meant me, sigh.
I love ya too eclipse and eryn you're the bestest!
love ya!
i don't know how you keep on giving.
for your kindness i'm in debt to you.
Oh darn I thought she meant me, sigh.
I love ya too eclipse and eryn you're the bestest!
i'm selling christmas trees this year.....why not what else would anyone expect from a apostate in portland oregon....that will give some of my xjw friends something to talk about..... anyway if you want a christmas tree at cost, come see me.
any tree on the lot half price.
one of my best friends grows and sells trees.
How awesome! I have been wanting to get a real tree this year and I can't think of a better person to buy it from! I'll talk to hubby and see if he wants to spring for a real tree and make the trip downtown for it.
Regardless I hope you have a wonderful time with this new venture sounds like fun to me!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
a producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
Post 7777 of 7777
Does this make this video clip something from heaven.....lol
thanks for the link
LOL OMG I was saving that post for you JH!
Awesome I just watched the video clip and it was fantastic! Boy I bet the boys in Crooklin are squirming now!
Barbara you were so calm I was so impressed!
a producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
Is there a way of viewing this newscast again ?
You might be able to eventually see a podcast of it here:
Stay tuned to the above website and Brian Williams' page he will have more in depth reporting on the story soon and the Internet as we know will continue to be a source of information much to the chagrin of the WTS.
a producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
Bikerchick - Is your avatar a Purp drawing? I can't make it out.
Hate to go off topic Jeff but my avatar is a picture I took of leaves on the sidewalk last year one morning the first time I ever experienced FROZEN FOG! I was so awstruck I took a bunch of pictures.
a producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
Great news Barbara boy it's been pins and needles for the past couple of days........now you can sit back and relax a little, right? LOL
I've got my DVR set to record NBC Nightly News again tonight! Can't wait to hear it and see you. The damage to the WTS over this has got to be huge!
if everyone who is signed up for the sectret santa can post a few ideas of the sort of thing you like in here, when people receive their names they can come in here and look you up so get some ideas .
I like Christmasy things but not with the religious overtones, no angels or baby jesus in a manger stuff.
A simple tree ornament would please me and if it's home made all the better! Maybe one that says something about where you live, that would be cool.
did anybody watch the bachelor for two months only to see him choose nobody?.
he led them both on.. bought the engagement ring and all.. what a waste!.
Man I must say I was disappointed in the ending because I really thought I figured out who he was going to choose. I liked both of them but when Jenni showed such blubbering weakness with all her crying, man that had to have been a real turn off for Brad to endure, it was painful to watch. After that I felt he would choose DeAnna she is much like his own Mother a strong woman.
You could have knocked me over with a feather when he didn't choose DeAnna! I am glad though that he remained firm in his own heart, I mean either you love her or you let her go, that was the kindest thing for him to do and very brave with all that was on the line I imagine ABC wasn't too thrilled with the ending either.
this week begins a very special feature of wt comments.. the visiting speakers.
check in on thanksgiving for this week's lesson, deliverance from the traps of the birdcatcher.
conducted by our very own minimus.. .
I read that baby chicks will peck at a bloody spot on another chick because
they go to the color red. I actually saw an experiment where they put a
red dot (like minimus) on a wall for the chicks to attack. They sure did go
for that spot. You have to keep the red dot away from the birds.
Looking Very carefully I see more in this thread that matches a "spot". Wondering when anyone else will spot it?
i just ate a strawberry pie with ice cream on top .
ok post pictures you think will make people's mouth water here .
Backatcha nvr!