JoinedPosts by bikerchic
How many people visit JWD every day?
by onacruse ini mean unique visitors...not just one person logging on multiple times.. anybody wanna take a guess?.
How many people with the same IP visit JWD every day?
Bikerchic and Onacruse for oneYeppers JH we only count as one, but I think there are probably few of us couples who use the same router. Even those spammers who have multiple accounts and use the same machine/router only count as one, but then that's fair they are only one!
Why Men Cannot Love
by freydi inso let's say we do everything that's expected.
what's the payoff?
So let's say we do everything that's expected. What's the payoff?
Awe grasshopper therein lies the problem. We love not because we get something, we love because we give something. Love is not a selfish act it's an unselfish act one of chance. There is more happiness in giving then receiving.
How many people visit JWD every day?
by onacruse ini mean unique visitors...not just one person logging on multiple times.. anybody wanna take a guess?.
Men with analytical minds drive me wild!
by Dansk indo you find it difficult to know what to get for your beloved for christmas?
(assuming you celebrate it!)..
my wife says to me "don't get me anything, i'd rather we saved the money to get away next year.".
Well Ian you are such a sweetie Claire is one lucky gal to have you!
I think this year is setting a president with hubby and me. We have a double whammy on Christmas as it's also our anniversary (5 years!). Our dilemma is that we are pretty much broke as hubby has been out of work for several months and there is no way I would even put pressure on him to give me anything and I sure hope he's not expecting anything from me but a nice home made card. Right now all I want is for him to get a job! That is my Christmas/Anniversary wish! No tchotchkes for me, after all soon I may not have a house to put them in so what good would that do, sigh.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and hoping for an abundant New Year!
This is going to sound strange and probably highly impossible
by Calico Ethel ini think a few of you out there know my story a bit.
i used to live in wisconsin and then i met someone from england, here on jwd, and then i moved to england to be with him and we got married in april...(very happily married i might add).
anyway, in the process of moving i left my kitty behind, only thinking it would be momentarily, but it's been an absolute nightmare to get here over here.
If it were me I would find an adoptive parent for Tiger and look for a new cat in England to adopt. I know one cat cannot fill the void of another cat all having special personalities but really think of Tiger being so traumatized on the trip over the pond. Man that would scare a human let alone a cat locked in a cage with complete strangers looking after him. Have some pity on poor Tiger and find him a good home stateside.
Good luck and happy hunting!
Do all men cheat?
by Save My Soul ina friend (someone i respected a great deal / mentor) at my job has shared some information with me.
he cheats on his wife.
No not all men cheat just like not all women cheat. I think this poster nailed it with this comment:
I have never cheated on anyone, especially my wife. However, as I have told the wife in the past, I'm a good dog, but you have to pet me once in a while if you expect me to stay on the porch. Hopefully, I get "petted" tonight.
When I was dating my second husband he said he would always treat me like a queen and he did then and he still does, but I also treat him like a king.
Love is mutual respect of each other. Those who cheat don't have love either for themselves or the one they've betroth, that is sad everyone looses especially the children in the marriage.
Minimus and me
by seven006 inhe told me that the thread he started yesterday tell me what you think of certain posters had been locked because some people though the bantering between he and i was serious.
im sorry but i laughed.
a lot.
Mama Mia!
So, who ever locked the thread and reduced Minimus’s posting limit to 25 a day, (I’m still laughing my ask off after he sent me an e-mail about that) please reconsider and do the right thing now that you know he was not serious about beating my ass (he thinks he’s Tony Soprano).
The guy’s fricken Italian. That’s how Italian guys from Boston talk about puppies and baby duckies for Christ sakes. They all think they are Tony Soprano. Just type in the words “The guy from Boston’ on a web browser and see for yourself. They can’t help it.
How was that Min? You going to send me the money now?
DaveNow thatsa Italian!
Awe sheese you guys you outta know x cult members are way too serious for their and anyone else's own good, so quit kidding around will yas?
In all honesty I don't think yours and minimus's banter is why the thread was locked down. It smelled of doom from the beginning I am rather surprised at minimus for even starting such a thread he of all posters should know better, and I know you understand that Dave.
Have a good one I'm just happy to hear minimus isn't going to off you any time soon Dave.
What a couple of old farts you two are! LOL Save me jesus if I ever get like them!
OMG! OMG! I have some good news!
by erynw infinally, right.
ok. i know this jw lady that i talk to.
she doesn't know i am an exjw.
Great job eryn!
I Snapped at a Witless Today
by Gretchen956 inyou know i'm not usually the type to do this, i really didn't even think i had it in me.
i was waiting for the bus, it was time for it to pull up, i was chatting with a co-worker and standing right in the middle of a whole bunch of other people, and here come two men in suits with briefcases, one looked to be in his 20s and one older, maybe late 30s or early 40s.
the younger one tries to hand me the magazines, the new way, by shoving them in your hand.
LOL Sherry I know what you mean about snapping! But good for you for speaking up I hope to be so bold next time myself.
I had an experience while walking through the airport this October on my way to baggage claim, mind you I'm tired already from my trip. These two JW's were standing holding the mags and I hadn't seen JW's for in what seemed forever so I made brief eye contact, my mistake!
Her mistake was she offered me the mags by putting them right in my pathway......I pushed them aside and said "NO I would never read that trash!" Really loud! I surprised myself but I wished later I had made a better reply and given her a good *coff*coff* anti-witness!