I think a few of you out there know my story a bit. I used to live in Wisconsin and then I met someone from England, here on JWD, and then I moved to England to be with him and we got married in April...(very happily married I might add). Anyway, in the process of moving I left my kitty behind, only thinking it would be momentarily, but it's been an absolute nightmare to get here over here. The thing is that I left her in Wisconsin for her "quarantine" period because she was in an actual home, having direct contact with someone daily and it was also a lot less expensive. I thought after the quarantine period was over, I would be able to go back home and get her and bring her back, but the rules for the UK on bringing animals from another country are quite strict (I know it was stupid of me to not know this beforehand) The thing now is that I am not able to afford to pay much for getting her over here and shipping her via cargo hold of a plane costs $910 (yep, I know..really expensive). The only other way of getting her over here is if she flies into Paris from Chicago. Like I say it's a longshot, but I just thought if anyone here is planning a trip to Paris anytime soon or knows of someone who is, that wouldn't mind bringing a sweet kitty with them, the air fare for her to be shipped in the passenger cabin is only $127, which is so much more affordable. And I don't live that far from Paris, so I can get there to pick her up. If anyone can help or has some suggestions, or even a good home for her to go to if I can't get her here. She is the most sweetest kitty ever and I'm feeling really bad for not having her with me, and I'm missing her terribly.
This is going to sound strange and probably highly impossible
by Calico Ethel 22 Replies latest social entertainment
I don't have a solution but I hope it all works out, Hon!
Calico Ethel,
I finally understand your nickname.
I know we have some posters in Wisconsin and Illinois. I don't know if any are going to Europe. I hope you and your cat get reunited.
Any chance you could get a round trip from England to Chicago and go rescue her, and bring her back in the passenger cabin yourself? Just wondering.
Calico Ethel
This is really stupid, but here are the rules for bringing animals into the UK...you can only bring them directly into the UK in the cargo hold of a plane, they have to fly into London and you can't pick them up directly at the airport, you have to have a pet courier service pick them up and they take them to the pet reception centre, where I could pick her up. I could have her fly in the passenger cabin of the plane to go to Paris, where I could bring her into the UK via rail or boat. But I can't bring her directly into the UK from the US in the passenger cabin...why? Don't know..it's really stupid. I have been round and round with defra about this one. I've checked ticket prices and the rate right now is extortianate, so me getting back to the States to pick her up is impossible. That was obviously the first thing I thought of. I'm going to keep trying...hopefully something will come up. keep fingers crossed
I really hope someone sees this that is able to help you!
I have no advice to offer, but I hope you get your kitten back, and soon
Sad emo
Hi calico, a few ideas, dunno whether any will be any good to you:
Have you checked out all the different airlines re carriage as cargo/passenger cab? I know that many insist on them travelling as cargo because if they escape in the passenger cabin, they could cause havoc. Also, because flying such distances is stressful, if they are ill or need to toilet, it won't smell nice!! Also sadly, some animals may die :-(
Have you checked for flights to other UK airports? I'm not sure whether they all have animal reception centres as strict as Heathrow - that's the main one. I think they like to keep animals for a few hours to check that they're fit for further travel - which isn't a bad thing really.
And you're sure kitty is ok with the quarantine regulations? Has she got her passport? The last thing you need is for her to get here and then spend 6 months in a verrrrryyyy expensive cattery!
Maybe the best option might be to fly her to Paris - you could make a day trip of it when you collect her - it's really not too long a journey now we have the tunnel!
Calico Ethel
Thanks everyone for your comments and hopes of me getting my Tigger back to me.
Sad Emo, I wish the regulations were not so strict about getting animals here from other countries. The unfortunate thing is that I can only fly her into Heathrow or Gatwick. The same will hold true for both airports though with regards the animal reception centre. And the laws are simple and clear about the cargo hold being the only way in for an animal from the States. She could come via boat or rail, but I don't see that happening from the States...too long of a journey I think. She's all set though with her pet passport and she's ticked all the other boxes except the tick/flea treatment which is to be given just 24 to 48 hours prior to travel, so I have to wait till the last minute for that one anyway. Other than that, everything else on her end is fine, it's just the travel portion of the whole ordeal that would need to be situated. I would love to go to Paris for the day and spend it there before picking up my kitty. That would be a great day. My husband keeps saying we should go there, but I have to do all the talking Thanks for the suggestions though. It's really sweet everyone trying to give me something to go on. I wish something would turn out right for a change with this.
If anyone else has any suggestions, please let me know. I'm all ears. Even if it's someone that is willing to take in a kitty and look after her for the rest of her life, I would feel better knowing someone were taking good care of her, even if it's not me.
You poor thing.I don't know what I would do with out my kitty's.I wish I could help.I am planning on coming over to England in July next year.That may or may not happen depends on my money situation.
Calico Ethel
Noni...I hope you do get the chance to come to England...It's beautiful over here. I love living here. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm homesick and the answer is always no. There are lots of beautiful places in the States, but I guess when you live somewhere your whole life, it's just not as interesting as the new and exciting places the world has to offer. I really only miss a few things...my kitty, my friends and the food!!!