Yikes I googled it and I think you're screwed!
Is there anyway she can put them back in and take care of them tomorrow when the stores are open?
From what I saw I don't think you'll want to put them in anything else, bummer!
it is too late to run to the store for contact solution!
any suggestions on how to save the contacts?
Yikes I googled it and I think you're screwed!
Is there anyway she can put them back in and take care of them tomorrow when the stores are open?
From what I saw I don't think you'll want to put them in anything else, bummer!
as much as i hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.. there are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.. those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.. those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.. you are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.. you can quit telling eryn to die already.
you can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.. you are pathetic.
people like you disgust me.
i had such a shock today, its almost bizarre, my son was involved in an accident at work.
he's an ironwoker, which means he works the high steel on skyscrapers and such.
today he was working and tied his safety harness off to the cable as usual, and went to work.. lots of times they have to lean out and rely on that harness to keep them secure while they reach out to do whatever the hell it is they do (best mom's don't always know all), and today his dumbass bosses didn't have the cable attached on one end.
Awe ((((((Sherry))))) I had chills reading that and am so glad to hear your son is going to be okay and on the mend. Wow how scary!! Mom's hate to hear this stuff and worse yet we hate to hear when anyone is treating our kids badly like the shunning person!! GRRRRR!!!!
FWIW My son is DFd and he lives most of the time on his Dad's property with his new step-mother who is a hard line JW. My son has lots of problems and she has been very kind to him and I am so grateful for that!! The place where she works (for a JW company) all of them totally shun my son when he runs into any of them around town. So again I'm so grateful that she is kind to him, he can be a real pain in the arse....with all his problems I'm sure it's very taxing on her.
Just to say Sherry there are those who can look beyond the JW shunning policy and show some human kindness, I only hope your son has more of those kinds of people in his life.
I bet you can't wait to see him and give him a big hug......before you *itch him out for scaring you like that!
some recent stuff.........kinda like the wt, same old stuff!.
the twelve apostles!.
Very nice!
to all of my fellow jwd'ers,.
this title is a play on words, derived from frank zappa's movie "200 motels.
" i started a post titled that when i reached 200 posts on jwd.
LOL @ purps! That picture is priceless!
Congrats JK666 on making it to Emporer!
just hang on for me, 4 more days, and then i will be there to hold you in my arms.. please hang on to life for me till then.. i will not be ok if you lose this fight this soon.. i will never be the same, you have changed my life for the better.
i feel so honoured to have you as a friend.... it's just not fair that i just met you....and you're going away..... i will miss you dammit.. 4 more days..
we're in the middle of a little windstorm here (portland, or).
not much of one, really, compared to some of the others i've experienced here.. about 11 p.m. bikerchic and i heard something hit the house, and there was a pretty good thud on the ground.
i thought that it was probably just a big branch, but bikerchic came running in and said: "did you hear that?
Thanks (((nvr))) for the nice words.....I'm not usually like this I can usually roll with the punches it's probably a combination of earthquake flashbacks and that this has really been a bad year for us. Along with that my oldest son dealing with his situation I've been on an emotional roller coaster ride all year and hubby being out of work things just look bleak no matter how positive I try to be, truth is we're just barely hanging onto this house as it is.
we're in the middle of a little windstorm here (portland, or).
not much of one, really, compared to some of the others i've experienced here.. about 11 p.m. bikerchic and i heard something hit the house, and there was a pretty good thud on the ground.
i thought that it was probably just a big branch, but bikerchic came running in and said: "did you hear that?
Actually we happen to have State Farm and they are one of the few insurance companies which does cover down trees one of the good things out of all this, that and our insurance is paid up, yay!
Those trees were so awesome I really loved them I'm going to miss them. Hard to think of how long they've been there it's a shame for their lives to end like this. I will say our garden which you may be able to see the raised garden beds in one of the pics.....with the increased sunshine it should do a lot better this next season. I'm looking forward to that!
we're in the middle of a little windstorm here (portland, or).
not much of one, really, compared to some of the others i've experienced here.. about 11 p.m. bikerchic and i heard something hit the house, and there was a pretty good thud on the ground.
i thought that it was probably just a big branch, but bikerchic came running in and said: "did you hear that?
Yeah freaky alright!
Have a shot of something and go to bed, bikerchic .
I have a better idea how about if someone just shoots me and puts me out of my misery!
the doctor only wanted to use two sites to take the skin biopsies.
i felt a needle prick and that was it!
he used some sort of medical skin shaver to remove the lesions.
I'm glad today's biopsy went well for you! That rash doesn't look like fun! What does the Prednisone do? I'm thinking help with the itching?