Would you give all of your children equal portions--completely regardless of behavior and/or attitude toward you?
Would you take into account anything they have done to deserve something "above and beyond"?
Is a child always entitled to an inheritance? (I don't mean legally, I mean, in your opinion)
Is it love to give an inheritance unconditionally?
Love has nothing to do with it, it's an example you set for your children and their children and so on. What kind of an example do you want to be to your family members? If you leave it to all of them unconditionally and they have the responsibility to distribute things evenly trust that they will do so and honor you in the doing. Otherwise sit down and make a long drawn out list of whom will get what.
Is it love (in a certain form) to withhold or limit an inheritance? If so, under what conditions?
Again love has nothing to do with inheriting property of your deceased love one. It's either the family or the State and I would much rather have it go to family than the Government any day.