
by RichieRich 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Over the past few days... someone who I'm no longer associated with has been out on vendetta to discredit me. It started with a mass mail to my MySpace friends, which caused nothing more than a few eyebrows to be raised.

    That was the reaction of people who know me in REAL LIFE. People who see me on a regular basis. People who can touch me. People who immediately effect me, and thus... matter.

    And then it was brought here. A place where it had no business being. Not my decision. I've been a member of this site for about 33 months. That's longer than many of you have been a member. I pay my own bills because I left the Watchtower. I have no relationship with my mother because I left the Watchtower. And I didn't leave the Watchtower so I could go party. I didn't leave for sex or drugs or alcohol or tattoos or holes in my head. I left because what they were doing was disgusting. It was filthy and gross and wrong, and I found out. I found evidence. I read it. I vomited after holding it in my hands. I shipped it out so it could be made available for the world to see. Now this alone doesn't warrant anything. It is however, a reminder than I'm not just some kid who has been hanging around here feeding you half truths and exagerations. Some people lead sensational lives. Some people don't. Why are you here?

    Now to the issue at hand.

    Seth made a few comments that directly contradict my own. Seth backed it up by answering your phone calls. There's no third party validation there. That's Seth backing himself up. My mother (and maybe yours) used to do it to. But I never believed that "Because I said so" actually validated anything.

    Now, if all that was in question here was whether or not I actually worked for him, there are a million different documents I could post to prove it's true. But the second they were posted, some of you people, who desire drama, and clearly don't want peace on this board, would say they were digitally manipulated. So what could I do? Send copies to some random poster, and have him or her post them? Well, you can print things out from Photoshop. I'm sure one of our little board supersleuths would be quick to point that out.

    So there's really no way for me to remove all doubt from anyone's minds. But I don't really care.

    The big problem to me is how so many of you reacted. For a while now I've been distant from this board, because it has lost most of it's importance to me. Most of you who I really care about, I talk to via other mediums.

    If it was a matter of trust, that wouldn't be an issue. Circumstantial evidence would be presented saying that either side A or B was correct, and that would be that. But that's not how some of you would have have it. Restrangled (which I now understand why doing it more than once would be desirable) jumped on her mighty white horse, and jumped out of the pastures of her own damn business, and kicked up as much dust as possible.

    All of a sudden... there was no question of my honesty. I was a liar. Bad enough. But no! Then I was an immature liar. Then a fat immature liar. Then an easily swayed fat immature liar. You people throw a lot of stones. Well, I'm not going to call anyone who commented on that thread (except for one person of course) a liar. But I will call several of you immature. Maturity would have led you to comment on something else. Mature people would talk about mature things (hello oral sex Watchtower!). And then, I'll assume that some of you are fat. You don't weigh what the doctor says you should, and that makes you fat too. Quit running your mouth here, and go run yourself. I bet some of you don't even have skinny fingers! And to this easily swayed thing- look at all of you! You've spent 48 hours in an uproar over something that someone you don't know said about someone else you don't know! Meanwhile, I've been living my life, with out any help from you guys, and surely without any concern for how you feel how about my actions. So who's immature, fat, and easily swayed? I might be. But with the finger you've been pointing at me, you've been pointing three back at yourself.

    So I don't owe the majority of you anything. I appreciate having this board. I appreciate the friends I've made through it. But without this board, I still wouldn't be a Witness, Without most of you, nothing would be different! I wouldn't sleep on the other side of my bed, or wear different pants, or use a different brand of deoderant. Without me however, you'd be talking about something else.

    I'm sorry your time has been wasted because of a COMPLETELY nonrelated issue between me and someone else. I'm truly sorry, because you know what, there's still sex offenders being protected, and little kids dreaming of a birthday party, and people who are completely burnt out from running on Jehovah's Holy Hamster Wheel. And they need a place to turn. And right now, it's not JWD. Because you people are fighting about someone you don't know, and business that isn't yours. You're doing nothing to work against the Watchtower, or help members leave, or supporting each other.

    Keep that in mind.

    So this big long piece might as well have been pointless. Because some of you are going to believe me, and some of you aren't. I appreciate those who have defended me in the past, present and future, but I'm done with JWD. I've been done with it for a while, but I occasionally poke my head in to let you all know I'm doing well. I know how I'm doing. I did that for the benefit / encouragement / entertainment value for others. But without this board, it doesn't change me at all.

    So keep fighting amongst yourselves. I don't care. I've got a life to live. And I'm seeing about it as we speak.

    “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods.” Albert Einstein

    George MacDonald said "To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."

  • minimus

    The curse of the Watchtower Conducter continues.

    RR, I just want to say that I've always enjoyed your presence here and I'm sorry how things turn out at times. If you do poke your head in here once in a while, please say hi!

  • wanderlustguy

    Over the past few days... someone who I'm no longer associated with has been out on vendetta to discredit me. It started with a mass mail to my MySpace friends, which caused nothing more than a few eyebrows to be raised.

    That was the reaction of people who know me in REAL LIFE. People who see me on a regular basis. People who can touch me. People who immediately effect me, and thus... matter.

    Coulda stopped right there.


  • liberatedwoman


    I am mostly a lurker, but have followed your story with interest. I, for one, will miss your updates and latest body art/modifications.

    All the best,



    Richie..You should have just posted this from the get go..I like having you here..And..I hope you stay...OUTLAW

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I'm sorry, Richie, I saw the other thread but didn't see the point in joining in one way or the other. I know you said you are done, and so maybe you won't even read this response, but I just want you and everyone else to know that I believe you, for whatever that is worth. And no matter what the other or any other thread has said, I have believed you. Because you are obviously more real than most other people, in my opinion. Not afraid to live your life like it's all you got. Because it is.

    If that makes me naive, so be it. I've been accused of that before, and will again and again, I'm sure. I'd rather believe someone is telling the truth until there is proof that they are not (actual proof, not the garbage that has been circulating here, as Richie smartly pointed out), instead of believing everyone is a liar and out to get me. That's no way to live your life.

    Not to defend this board, but I think some people have gone a bit mad as a result of the whole (dare I say it) Trevor/dedpoet debacle. They automatically believe everyone else is scamming them too. Well, that is sad for them. And it's sad for anyone who gets dragged down because of it.

  • Warlock


    Thanks for posting this.

    That's all I have to say on the issue.


  • babygirl75


    I haven't been a member all that long, but when I was a newbie, I looked forward to reading your post and your comments on other threads. I hate that because some on this board choose to take matters into their owns hands that doesn't pertain to them, that you are leaving us. I don't know if you lied or if you didn't, it doesn't really matter. You have to answer for yourself. I don't see where anyone got hurt by anything that you have said on this board. I just wish you the best and hope that from time to time you will let us all know how you are doing.

    Take care...


  • SixofNine

    ""To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.""

    And I for one, don't trust you as far as I could throw you. But then again, I always thought you were full of shit.

  • nvrgnbk

    None of us are in a position to be judgmental.

    You surely must be loved here for this "matter", whatever it turns out to be, to cause such a strong reaction in so many.

    People wouldn't feel "burned" if they didn't care about you.

    I've been wrongly accused of things, it always sucks.

    If that's what happened here, you have the empathy of alot of people that have been there too.

    Hope things level off soon.

    I wish you success, Richie.


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