The Silent Language of Peace by Heather Macauley
Let's begin with what peace is not. True peace is not a lack of conflict. True peace only occurs when we move beyond conflict in our own hearts and minds, and can truly feel at peace within ourselves and within our own lives.
When Mother Theresa was asked why she never participated in anti-war marches she replied, "As soon as you have a pro-peace march I'll be there."
With all the prayers in the world for peace, why haven't we accomplished this? Is it possible we don't fully understand the technology of prayer? The most powerful prayer in the world is how you FEEL. If you want to experience peace in the world, you must learn how to actively feel peaceful throughout the day. You must find peaceful ways out of conflict. If you want to see a harmless, loving world, you must BE HARMLESS in your actions and conversations with yourself and with others.
There are plenty of ways you can participate in an activity supporting peace, but once you've written your letters or marched in a peace protest, what can you do? Many people feel frustrated and helpless, as if their voice and prayers aren't being heard. But your prayers, in the form of your feelings, are heard. And if your 'prayers' are feelings of anger and frustration and helplessness, you will receive more of what you've been praying for.
Based on results, isn't this true? Haven't you noticed that your feelings keep generating more of the very thing you don't want to experience? If you're praying for more money, aren't you feeling a lack of abundance? If you're praying for love, aren't you in fact feeling unloved and alone? Have you noticed these issues are then perpetuated, not solved. We cannot heal a world in conflict if we are in conflict within ourselves.
Some people become so disillusioned they become angry that God hasn't heard their prayers. Could it be that we're literally 'praying' our own experiences into existence every moment of every day and that our prayers are being answered, for positive or negative? If that's the case, shouldn't we learn to align ourselves with the power of positive prayer? The Silent Language of Peace will explain how to reprogram your thinking and give you the tools for having peace as a reality in every moment of your life.
As I've explained, the most powerful tool for peace in your life, and in the world, is your ability to feel peace continually, no matter what's going on in the world around you or in your daily life.
The toning-meditation on the last track of this CD is the most powerful tool for peace I've ever experienced. I'll explain it in more detail, but for now let me say that singing or humming with the music is very important if you want to physically feel peace, because it creates a deeply relaxing vibration in your body.
In the same way there's a fundamental difference between thinking about love and feeling love, it's the same with peace. It truly is a silent language that's powerfully perceived when it's present. The resonance that occurs in your body when you breathe deeply, sing and fully relax will ultimately become imprinted in your consciousness. And you will begin to spontaneously experience the feelings of peace you've been practicing. I've had many people comment on the difference between simply listening to the music and actually singing with it.
The content on this CD has come from my own personal experience. I've applied in my own life everything I offer here. And since I began the toning-meditation, my life has been filled with peace, joy and gratitude consistently on a daily basis for four years.
I want to share my experience so you'll see that part of being at peace is listening to your intuition. When I first began the toning-meditation I was a single mother with a 2-year old daughter. I was determined not to put her in day care, and I had her all day, six days a week. One day a week she'd stay with her father and in that one day I scheduled all my work as an intuitive counselor. I literally had no time off, day after day, week after week. I loved being there for my daughter, but I was also exhausted.
A few days after I'd started the toning-meditation I woke up in the morning and had this strong feeling to sign up for a month long membership at a ski resort in the mountains. It didn't make much sense to me, since I'd never been one to workout on a regular basis and fifty-dollars was a lot of money to me at the time. But I also knew to trust my intuition, and since I had the money, I drove up and signed up for a membership.
My daughter's father worked in the area, and when he heard I'd signed up at the spa, he offered to care for Amelia for five or six hours on a daily basis. So every day I hiked in the mountains, followed by swimming in the pool, and relaxing in the hot tub and steam room. I spent hours in the solarium hand writing a book while listening to relaxing music and looking out over the mountains. This became my every day reality.
I suddenly realized my income hadn't changed, but I was living the life of a very wealthy person. Then one day a simple thought spontaneously came into my mind that said, "You asked for peace and here it is." It was a stunning revelation. I realized it had never occurred to me to be willing to feel peace on a consistent, daily basis. I thought, It can't be this simple. But it is. I began to see that life is naturally meant to be peaceful and joyful, but I had to consciously choose peace and joy.
One day, after several months, I was in the steam room, and I met the love of my life. A man I never would have met because I wasn't a skier. We were married six months later, and we both actively practice the principles in this CD as well as doing the toning-meditation.
Because we live these principles there has never been an unkind word between us. Our relationship becomes deeper and more intimate every day, because we live in peace and harmony with ourselves and with each other.
One day I was thinking about the extraordinary fact that I'd never felt anything but love for my husband, and I wondered why that was. Though I wasn't trying to think of an answer this thought came to me. 'The reason you feel nothing but love for this man is because there is no more pain left in you to project onto him."
After we were married I thought to myself I must have finally gotten something right! Again a thought came to me that said, "It's not just what you've done right, it's every mistake you ever made that brought you to this moment." So you see, it doesn't matter what your life looks like today, you're listening to this, because you're ready to hear it. And you'll see a profound change take place if you simply apply the following transformational principles to your life.
Please understand these principles apply to you as an individual, and also to any group you're a part of. It doesn't matter whether the group is gender based, religious, ethnic, or anything else, apply the principles and you'll have positive results and experiences.
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