Thanks for that c/p kilfoy!
ASSIGNMENT No. 3: 5 minutes. This will be assigned to a sister. Students receiving this assignment will either select a setting or be assigned one from the list appearing on page 82 of the Ministry School Textbook. The student should use the assigned theme and apply it to an aspect of field service that is realistic and practical for the territory of the local congregation. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. Newer students should be assigned talks for which references are supplied. The school overseer will be particularly interested in the way the student develops the material and the way she helps the householder to reason on the Scriptures and to understand the key points of the presentation. Students assigned this part should know how to read. The school overseer will assign one assistant.
ASSIGNMENT No. 4: 5 minutes. The student should develop the assigned theme. When no references are indicated as source material, the student will need to gather material for this part by doing research in publications provided by the faithful and discreet slave class. When assigned to a brother, this part may be given as a talk with the Kingdom hall audience in mind. Or the school overseer may suggest that for certain speech counsel points, a brother may handle his assignment with a field service setting. When a sister is given this part, it should always be presented as outlined for assignment.
That made me puke! Talk about mind control......leaves no room for "free thinking"! Man I forget how protected we were from the outside world, why I didn't see this as cult-like back then?! It's so obvious to me now.