I enjoyed my last one best, May 19, 2007!
JoinedPosts by bikerchic
did you enjoy your first cigarette?
by inkling innot only am i not a smoker, i have never even tried smoking of any kind (besides a weird .
half hearted attempt at smoking blackberry tea from a homemade wooden pipe.
friends of mine who smoke, besides the complicated layers of guilt, talk about a basic .
Amazon Kindle
by littlerockguy ini broke down and ordered an amazon kindle out of weakness.
i just couldn't resist!
i love new technology and gadgets that make life easier.
I love techie things and one of my friends has a Kindle I must say they are pretty cool. The price is what will keep me from getting one any time soon, I'll wait for the knock-offs!
I sell books on Amazon and many of the books I sell go for way less than the $10 to download onto a Kindle so that and the price of the Kindle will probably not cut into my selling much time will tell.
When you do get it will you tell us your thoughts on it and the things you like most/least? I'm really wondering about it too.
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
by eclipse ini am not refering to the elders staking out a house to see if you're in there alone with another person who isn't your mate.. .
i am talking about 'regular stalkers' who stalk you for the obsessive psychological reason of needing to be near you physically.. ever been followed?.
ever had the feeling someone was looking through your windows?.
I am not gossiping here, it was a story, that was told, and people were leary about going to Virginia. I merely pointed out the fact that a certain person, does not live there, so Lola needn't worry about travelling to Virginia, that there is a very real risk, of being stalked, no matter where she travels.
oh please don't task me so......
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
by eclipse ini am not refering to the elders staking out a house to see if you're in there alone with another person who isn't your mate.. .
i am talking about 'regular stalkers' who stalk you for the obsessive psychological reason of needing to be near you physically.. ever been followed?.
ever had the feeling someone was looking through your windows?.
OH surpise of all surprises the gang is all here......
"Although it states on my profile that I am from Virginia, I'm actually not American, nor do I live in that country." pg. 9 of the "For Farkel, from Merry" thread....
Honestly ladies and I use the word lightly you're becoming more like gaggling gals spreading gossip everywhere.
JWD is all about anonymity. When I joined here I was very careful to not give out much information about myself and when I did I was sure to give "wrong" information.....please go back and check through all of my posts, especially the early ones I'm sure you'll see many inconsistencies in my personal information. I like many others who joined here was trying to fade and I counted on being as anomious as possible.
Because I'm so bored I have nothing better to do I think I'll start looking through all of your posts and find what I perceive to be inconsistencies in them and then I'll call you out in a thread.......I rather imagine all of you will have some 'splaining to do.
I Got The Job
by Abandoned ini go in monday at 10:00 am to work out the details and total number of hours and such.
Way to go!
Can we PLEASE stop calling bs on people unless we KNOW them?
by avishai insomeone just called "bull$h*t" on a sick poster.
i'm getting really, really fed up with the petty witch hunts and hall monitoring.
fed up, i almost don't want to be on here anymore.
Frankly, the ongoing outbursts from both the self-appointed defenders AND the self-appointed monitors are more than tiresome.
And then there are the self appointed $#!+ stirrers.
FWIW avaishai your question is redundant at the very least, I guess that would mean we should only call bs on people we know, get real!
This thread is just playing to the peanut gallery and it's locked.
Beauty out of Neglect (Pictures)
by Bumble Bee inon my travels this morning, i drove past an abandonded farm.
i've driven past here before, and stop there every may/june and pick the sweetest smelling lilacs.
something compelled me today to turn around and go back and do some exploring and take pictures.
bikerchick - I'd love to see the pics if you can get there safely! I will definately go back in the spring. Lilacs are one of my favourite flowers and I fill the house with their sweet smell and beauty for as long as I can when they are in bloom.
You just may get your wish.....or I mine! Snow is in our forecast overnight so tomorrow morning might be a photo op! I'll post 'em if it works out.
Beauty out of Neglect (Pictures)
by Bumble Bee inon my travels this morning, i drove past an abandonded farm.
i've driven past here before, and stop there every may/june and pick the sweetest smelling lilacs.
something compelled me today to turn around and go back and do some exploring and take pictures.
Those are beautiful BB thanks for show us them! I loved how they have the appearance that you were shooting with black and white film when it was totally the color of the season, really cool!
I can't say I have a favorite they are all beautiful on their own merrit. I would however love to see the same pictures in the sping especially when the lilac is in bloom.
There is an old farm house my hubby and I ride by on one of our bike rides we do not too far from our house and your pictures remind me of it. We usually get off our bikes and explore that house and the farmland around it making up stories about who must have lived there and imagining it in it's glory days. I'll have to take a trip out there and take some pictures of it in the next snow, if my car will make it up the hill w/o chains! I'll post them when I do.
Warning To All Posters Here!!!
by SWALKER ini just found out that a dear friend of mine was outed by a poster on this board!!!
i am soooooo angry and disgusted it's hard to contain at the moment!
so to all those out there that are trying to fade and get other family members out, don't let anyone know who you are!!!
Odrade you are really trying my patience here and in hindsight I should have let your deleted post stay so it would be evidence of why you've been put on reduced posting.
You've shown you're not about to let a Moderator tell you what you can or cannot do even when it's for the peace of the board, that's all I'm trying to do is to restore peace to the board but you won't let it go now matter how many times you've been asked.
This thread is locked.
Hindsight for the 20/20 deleted post:
And the most abusive poster of them all speaks. Hey Bicker, I think there are some other XJW boards around that might have need of you to come and cuss them out!
I'll leave that up to you Odrade it's more to your liking.
Warning To All Posters Here!!!
by SWALKER ini just found out that a dear friend of mine was outed by a poster on this board!!!
i am soooooo angry and disgusted it's hard to contain at the moment!
so to all those out there that are trying to fade and get other family members out, don't let anyone know who you are!!!
Odrade said:
It's a "cause" that I won't drop. I know I'm not the only one who feels like this, and I'm pretty sick of seeing people demanding that new posters (and established) reveal themselves or be thought a troll. Since your discussion is about forcible "outing" and since you are one of the people who wanted another poster to give up her anonymity to satisfy your paranoia, I think this is a perfectly acceptable place to discuss it.
Here is what SWALKER said in the thread you won't let go of:
SWALKER Re: Hi everyone, I'm Cognac's friend!
Post 2432 of 2447
since 25-Feb-04I don't usually say anything...but something smells fishy to me. Come on, this "pioneer" joins board and gives this fantastic story and then her best friend signs up the next day????????? Then the friend hurriedly posts from her own computer when the IP address match? I could go on, but what's the point?
I wish we had a red flag in the emoticons and I'd throw it!
and her second post:
SWALKER Re: Hi everyone, I'm Cognac's friend!
Post 2433 of 2447
since 25-Feb-04What the hell do you want, my friggin blood
Not pioneer talk, whoever you are!!!!!!!!
and her third and last post in that thread:
SWALKER Re: Hi everyone, I'm Cognac's friend!
Post 2434 of 2447
since 25-Feb-04Swalker:
Your obnoxious, leave me alone.
I think you're lying and have NO TROUBLE leaving you alone at all!!! BTW, I thought this was your friends thread...not yours. You betray yourself in volumns, honey.
Now unless I'm missing something Odrade she never asked for this poster to out herself. So would you kindly get off your high horse and quit badgering people about this already. You've made your point, we've gotten the message it's way past time to let it go. You are being abusive and it won't be tollerated any longer.
Plenty of people have apologized profusely to you on this and the other thread and you have never acknowledged or accepted their apologies you just keep throwing it all back in their face. It really must be hard keeping your angel wings tucked in your shirt, you might try giving us mere humans a break after all we're imperfect and can at least admit it. Is it really that hard to be kind?
Thanks Xena. Nice to see you, BTW!
Yeah big surprise...........