there are several posters on JWD that live locally who know who I am... One of them figured it out the other day..and posted that fact here, though they did not ID me by name or locale....I am certain none of them would purposely out me to the BorgElders. Just as I would not do it purposely to them.
there are other posters not local that have met me personally or know my real name and locale... there is always the risk of being found out.... I will never out them to the dubs and I dont think they would me.......but even in general conversation with each other we risk slipping and using a real name instead of a screen name when talking about each other happens, we are we have to be as careful as humanly possible.... the very fact that we are here...and if we post any details about ourselves or people we know (or know in common) or describe situations we know about... we risk outing ourselves or being outed by someone... 6 degrees of separation and all that...very common among the JWs...former and current...
so do we continue to live in fear of being found out by the hounders? Is that really freedom? So we may not want to be outed, but we accept that risk by being here...
greater the risk (of being outed and/or DF and/or losing JW friends and family) = greater potential reward (ie... making new friends, enjoying freedom to think)
just my opinion...
Snakes ()