OH surpise of all surprises the gang is all here......
"Although it states on my profile that I am from Virginia, I'm actually not American, nor do I live in that country." pg. 9 of the "For Farkel, from Merry" thread....
Honestly ladies and I use the word lightly you're becoming more like gaggling gals spreading gossip everywhere.
JWD is all about anonymity. When I joined here I was very careful to not give out much information about myself and when I did I was sure to give "wrong" information.....please go back and check through all of my posts, especially the early ones I'm sure you'll see many inconsistencies in my personal information. I like many others who joined here was trying to fade and I counted on being as anomious as possible.
Because I'm so bored I have nothing better to do I think I'll start looking through all of your posts and find what I perceive to be inconsistencies in them and then I'll call you out in a thread.......I rather imagine all of you will have some 'splaining to do.