Oh gosh I sorta threw up in my mouth seeing that talk outline purps!
There is hope for those that seem hardcore in.
Glad you're here Leslie!
this is a talk i did in 2000, i was going through some old papers and came across this........laugh at me, lol, i don't mind.
i was a good sister!!!!!.
what i think is important about this is, i gave the talk in 2000, i was on this board in 2005, and last month i was a small voice on the phone to a radio station speaking against the wt about the disfellowshipping and shunning policies when a member gets a blood transfusion.. there is hope for those that seem hardcore in.. .
Oh gosh I sorta threw up in my mouth seeing that talk outline purps!
There is hope for those that seem hardcore in.
Glad you're here Leslie!
while more agnostic than atheist i still lgot a kick out of this;
Of two equivalent theories or explanations, all other things being equal, the simpler one is to be preferred.
That is so cool! I like to say Keep It Simple Silly. Works for me!
so what was your silver lining in all your experience as a jw?.
my first response is to say none for me.. .
i guess there is a silver lining after all.
One word, FREEDOM! That's my silver lining.
Free to say what I want to say, be who I want to be, go where I want to go, do what I want to do, wear what I want to wear, be with whom I choose to be with, eat, drink, smoke what I want to eat, drink or smoke or not. You get the picture.....I'm free of all the crap that used to weigh me down trying to do what a religion and it's members said I needed to do, now I'm busy being a human being instead of a human doing.
this is a get well thread for our friend mis, she has the tummy flu and needs some cyber-lovin' from her friends at jwd!!
xoxo .
i love cows!
anyone else out there who has a collection, hobbie or just an interest in something they would like to post here?
i love this webpage of ascil cows i found years ago, it keeps getting updated and better all the time.
LOL @ Eryn! You're cracking us up!
i love cows!
anyone else out there who has a collection, hobbie or just an interest in something they would like to post here?
i love this webpage of ascil cows i found years ago, it keeps getting updated and better all the time.
I've already given her all the god-damn diamonds and gold that I can afford.
All I ask is that she get rid of those frigging cows!
If she does that, I guarantee that the struggling foundation of our house will last at least another 20 years.
Awe Gerrrr! Can't post the pic!
They call it PMS because MAD COW Disease was already taken!
i love cows!
anyone else out there who has a collection, hobbie or just an interest in something they would like to post here?
i love this webpage of ascil cows i found years ago, it keeps getting updated and better all the time.
i love cows!
anyone else out there who has a collection, hobbie or just an interest in something they would like to post here?
i love this webpage of ascil cows i found years ago, it keeps getting updated and better all the time.
LOL @ Eryn! You crack me up too!
How's about this one onaister..........not all is cream that comes out of a cow!
i love cows!
anyone else out there who has a collection, hobbie or just an interest in something they would like to post here?
i love this webpage of ascil cows i found years ago, it keeps getting updated and better all the time.
i love cows!
anyone else out there who has a collection, hobbie or just an interest in something they would like to post here?
i love this webpage of ascil cows i found years ago, it keeps getting updated and better all the time.