JoinedPosts by dhlpcjw
I made these. Hope you enjoy.
I've got a ton more of these. I'll post more if you guys think these are funny.
The Man with the Golden Arm
by Marvin Shilmer injames harrison is australian and is known as the man with the golden arm.
i've neither researched nor inquired of his religious disposition, but i feel safe assuming he's not now and never has been associated formally with the watchtower organization.
this man is a national treasure and hero of the first order.
Had he been a witness at the time of all those blood transfusions he recieved he would have been removed from the congregation and sentenced to die at the great battle of ARMAGEDDON. Likely many living today would never have come into existence- some of those probably JWs. Thankfully he saw fit to return the favor of giving back what sustained his own life.
Today if you're a pregnant JW and you happen to have the opposite blood type than your unborn child, it's alright under current doctrine to accept this antibody because the vaccine they created from his blood contains blood fractions! Give all thanksgiving and praise to Jah that you didnt get pregnant back when all products containing any amount of blood were banned! No doubt Watchtower/Slave/Jehovah would condemn this man who disrespects the sanctity of life by providing the blood necessary to save your baby.
Such hypocrisy.
Infuriating Elder recorded on JWStruggle
by dhlpcjw inhelp from a loving jehovah's witness elder part 1. this elder is clearly out of touch with all emotion period as this poor girl pours her heart out to him.
can these untrained, unloving, pharisees possibly be fit to represent a god of love?
a god of anything?
Part 2 is up. It's so nice that this unloving shepard showed his true colors in reflection of the cult he belongs to. If he hadn't this poor lady might never have woken up.
What do they make you do to get reinstated?
by Crazyguy ini've always known that df'd ones were supposed to go to all meetings and study for all parts yet there seams to be a lot of other things the elders make people do, what are they?
When I was trying to get reinstated the phrase "fruits that befit repentance" was repeated over and over by the elders before they would let me back in.
When I earnestly asked them for specific examples of these "fruits" they couldn't name any besides strict meeting attendance and having my books and magazines studied/underlined for them to see.
I've been before quite a few judicial committees and I've found the most effective method is to really stroke their egos. They like to know that you recognize the power they wield over you and that you submit to them completely.
Infuriating Elder recorded on JWStruggle
by dhlpcjw inhelp from a loving jehovah's witness elder part 1. this elder is clearly out of touch with all emotion period as this poor girl pours her heart out to him.
can these untrained, unloving, pharisees possibly be fit to represent a god of love?
a god of anything?
Help From A Loving Jehovah's Witness Elder part 1This elder is clearly out of touch with all emotion period as this poor girl pours her heart out to him. Can these untrained, unloving, pharisees possibly be fit to represent a god of love? A god of anything? Absolutely not. They nearly killed this woman and her son.
And although I can attest that not ALL elders out there are this void of any human understanding or compassion, the cult indoctrination clearly has done a number on this guy's personality. I just want to scream at this moron.
Can't wait too see how he tries to justify any of this in part 2.
Mentally Diseased - is it partly our fault that we got this label?
by cappytan ini was thinking about this the other day.. a common way for apostates to "fade" is to pretend to have depression or anxiety problems.. is it possible, that when apostates become known, the elders report to the society that said person was undergoing mental health problems?
i can see a scenario where the society then took those statistics that were reported and just decided, "well, it looks like the only ones leaving are those with mental diseases.".
oh, and not to mention the subliminal messages conspiracy theorists.
cappytan- Oh, and not to mention the subliminal messages conspiracy theorists. I mean, if subliminal message conspiracy theorist doesn't scream some kind of mental issues, I don't know what does.
Not to get off topic here cappytan but doesn't that kind of name calling sound an awful lot like what Watchtower does?I have a lot of respect for your posts here. Actually some of you're threads on here have been my favorite while waking up to TTATT. But these kind of comments I find pretty hypocritical considering you seem to take offense to being called mentally diseased. At some point in time you too were probably in agreement with at least most of what Watchtower taught, and it probably included a pretty negative view of apostates. Now that your views have changed does that make it alright to call someone else mentally diseased?
Personally I find conspiracy theories fascinating. Do I accept all I read about as fact? Absolutely not. Have some conspiracy theories turned out to have had some truth to them. I say yes. I question everything. If I didn't, I never would have woken up to Watchtower's lies.
The concept of Watchtower is a conspiracy in my opinion. The GB has a goal of ruling over all mankind, and has conspired to mentally enslave as many people as possible while keeping its members in an information blackout.
So I would say I personally am a conspiracy theorist. Because I enjoy weighing different facts and theorizing what might or might not be. And I'm trying to ask in the nicest way possible to please be considerate of that.
Thanks cappy.
Crazy Comments
by humblepotato ini love the people who go to my congregation.
they are sweet, friendly, and lovable.
(which is one of the things that makes being awake so much easier.
Several years ago we had a creepy visiting brother give a public talk and he made this statement regarding the dangers of the internet from the platform:
"I would never have Internet access in my home. I would spend all my spare time looking at pornography."
Damned if they do, Damned if they don't
by FusionTheism ini see an attitude among some people here which is not very helpful.
i can understand it, but still, it's not constructive or helpful.. if you condemn the society for not changing, but then you also condemn them when they do change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the society to ever want to change for the better?.
also, what does that attitude look like to current witnesses who are having doubts?.
To the people with this attitude: What exactly is it that you WANT the Society to do?
Personally I would like to see them admit their past mistakes. All of them. Then beg for forgiveness and pray they aren't held accountable for all their blood guilt before the earthly authorities or even heavenly(if God exists). If they are truely as humble and discreet as they claim this shouldn't be a problem. But no, it's easier to blame the stupid, impatient publishers.
So since they are incapable of this I want them to keep mishandling their funds until they're out on the street trying to trade their pinky rings for a hot meal.