One time I showed up at the now-defunct weekly book study at jackass elder's house. With humidity it was about 95 degrees outside and this cheap turd didn't believe in running ac. Most evenings like this I would skip wearing a sports coat or jacket to avoid getting even hotter and sweating buckets. Well since I was the only baptised brother in attendance besides himself, and he was conducting, it then became my responsibility to read the paragraphs of the Revelation Grand Prolapse at Hand book.
This moron elder pulls me aside after to tell me I need to wear a coat next time in order to be approved to read or pray. That his home was serving as a substitute kingdom hall and should be treated as such. Meanwhile almost every week his home phone in the next room would ring off the hook causing a disruption. It would go to voicemail and he would sometimes excuse himself from the book study to go fiddle with his answering machine and try to turn it down.
From then on if it was especially hot weather, or I just didn't feel like reading, I would "accidentally" forget my jacket.