I wanted to delete this as I saw the subject has already been discussed...ah well...sigh
JoinedPosts by stm345
January '08 "Keep on the Watch" brochure campaign cancelled
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite ini heard that a notice was sent to all boe this month removing "keep on the watch" as the featured january campaign.. can i get confirmation from anyone?.
Maybe it contains artwork with subliminal messages?
Judge: 14-year-old Jehovah's Witness can refuse blood transfusion
by Gilberto ina 14 year old can refuse a blood transfusion.
this is against the wishes of his parents.. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/6420ap_wa_jehovahs_witness_transfusion.html.
judge: 14-year-old jehovah's witness can refuse blood transfusionthe associated press.
You might want to make a comment on this blog http://blogs.king5.com/archives/2007/11/a_matter_of_fai.html
What "cult-like" practices have you noticed with Born-Again Christians?
by booker-t ini recently went to a "pentacostal church" with my neighbor who has been a devout pentacostal for 30 years.
she has been asking me for years to come to her church since i left jw's so i finally went with her a few sundays ago.
i must admit i was nearly scared "speechless".
A quirky English TV presenter called Louie Theroux presented a program about a year ago from America where he visited one of these Evangelist churches (cant remember the denomination) and exactly what youve described happened there. At the end of the service, a young woman seemed to be so debilitated by the whole thing, she couldnt get up to walk out. Theroux was very concerned for her health, but those around her said it was the Holy Spirit!
I just remember thinking at that time...I cant believe this is how God wants us to act, as if we are on some hallucinogenic drug. Is this how he attracts his followersto the church? Is this natural behaviour? Notice I said natural, not normal. It reminded me of the story, the emperors new clothes.... One day they might just see how completely ridiculous they look.
Were You Afraid Of The Elders?.Did Ya Love Em?...What Was Your View of Them
by minimus ini've heard of brothers and sisters saying that they have "prayed for the elders because they love them for their hard work and sacrifice".
i've also heard of how some in the congregation were petrified of the elders and of course, there were those that said they were either only men or that they were direct representatives of jehovah god himself.
I served as an elder and had several good friends who are still elders. I work with an elder who has been a good friend to me through all my breakdown and falling away and still counts me as one of his best friends.(I know...hard to believe , but true) Another, whom ive known for 27 years asked me to go for a drink with him the other night and didnt want to talk about the "truth".
On the other hand when i became an elder a brother who Id always considered viewed it as a power trip came up and said..youve made it...you cant get "higher" than this...even the co's, the do's and the zone overseers are elders. I just couldnt believe where he was coming from, i mean i actually believed that we were all there to help the brothers and promote harmony with God and man (i know that sounds too noble, but i was naieve enough to believe thats what we were all trying to do). I noticed a definite "jobs for the boys" culture with many Circuit Overseers who pushed their favourites on to assembly programs etc.
What i noticed too is that the loving, kind, sensitive ones, in other words the best ones for the job, nearly always came off in the end, because they couldnt stand the tension at elders meetings and the way the same ones pushed themselves and their opinions to the front, So it was just the same as any other "worldly" org. with the most strident personalities ruling the roost, and who couldnt and wouldnt take counsel whatever thw WT said.
So i suppose my post is ...good and bad...and the good ones like Ray Franz said, sincerely believe they are doing right, they just havent seen the light.