what a great drummer!!! he looks like john bonham!!
who really cares? yes, i'm as think as you drunk i am!!
i guess people think "photoshop" when they think of me.
yep, i love that.. oh, they also must think i have a screw loose .
what a great drummer!!! he looks like john bonham!!
who really cares? yes, i'm as think as you drunk i am!!
my favorites are armani, bijan, and minotaure by paloma picasso.. what are yours?
or perfumes for women.. jk.
euphoria by calvin klein
dirty english---- this is new but wow!
they keep talking about it with him.... this is just getting better and better... .
they may recommend me at our co's visit next. when(if) they ask "is there any reason you can't serve as MS(a question they have to ask), i will reply: "i don't want to." james 3:1 is my scriptural reason i will refuse. i will also refer to 1tim 3:1, where it states that a man reaching out for the office of overseer is "desirous of a fine work." i don't desire it.( i think its 1timothy, but it could be 2 timothy, im too lazy to check)
it was 19 years ago today that i met my life partner mitch.
i love him so much it aches.
he has saved me from disaster .
i used to be so closed minded.. congratulations!!!
at tonights meeting a new brochure was released along with the question box in the km regarding how to dress when visiting bethel/branch homes.
they, of course, said to dress like you do at th meetings.
the brochure is 4 pages with color photo illustations of what not to wear and what is appropriate.
at tonights meeting a new brochure was released along with the question box in the km regarding how to dress when visiting bethel/branch homes. they, of course, said to dress like you do at th meetings. the brochure is 4 pages with color photo illustations of what not to wear and what is appropriate. they show some with t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, short skirts, tight clothing, bare midriffs, etc. of course, this will be used to govern what is worn is worn to meetings, especially the short skirt, which is always controversial(what is too short? above the knee or below? not above according to the pic) whats next? soon, they will tell what to wear to go out and what to sleep in!!! somebody shoot me!!!
in no particular order, how about..... 1. do a sky dive/bungee jump.
2. meet the ruler of your country.
3. go to a football world cup final.. 4. do a streak whilst pissed out of your head.
1. see led zeppelin in concert(hey mr. flipper, wanna go together?)
2. climb mt. rainier/grand teton
3. eat my way thru italy
4. go to austrailia
5. fly fish for bonefish, permit, or tarpon in the keys
6. have a threesome with wife involved(will never happen, but i can dream.....another GIRL, not a guy.)
7. see a live, active volcano(maybe in italy i can see mt. etna or stromboli)
8. own a BMW M3
9. do a particular sex act not mentioned in #6, but many find very naughty(which makes it more fun)
10. smoke a big fatty, while viewing mount st. helens on a beautiful day, after doing all 9 listed previously, feeling the earth shake and seeing the pyroclastic flow heading straight towards me...oh shit!!!!......ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there are many artists whose work i love, but i think my all time favorite is sargent... my second home, growing up, was the museum of fine arts in boston, and additionally, the gardner museum close by... both have important sargents... the way he painted light was liquid and sensual... a master at making the complex look effortless....he had it all.... http://jssgallery.org/major_paintings/major.htm.
so whose art do you love?.
coffee .
oh yeah, alex grey is awesome!!!
there are many artists whose work i love, but i think my all time favorite is sargent... my second home, growing up, was the museum of fine arts in boston, and additionally, the gardner museum close by... both have important sargents... the way he painted light was liquid and sensual... a master at making the complex look effortless....he had it all.... http://jssgallery.org/major_paintings/major.htm.
so whose art do you love?.
coffee .
any local artist barely scraping by just to be an artist and eke out a living.
ok, so i've been df'd for almost a year now, and out of the blue my dad asked me to go out for drinks with him.
this is big because he's an elder in my former hall.
he's only seen me once in the year i've been out, at my (step)grandfather's funeral (his father in law).
my dad and yours had to be brothers! im still in, but was df'd 2 times and my dad let me move back home the first time(he was deleted), and let me stay home the second time until i got a job(i was fired one week after my df'ing and he was deleted again). we still hung out for drinks some while i was out. he died 10 years ago, a faithful elder(again) and p.o., and not only do i miss him but i will always respect him, even if i don't agree with everything he taught me.
by the way, i'm in a band now too. we play classic rock covers. what do you play? pm me
this afternoon my husband looked out the window and saw two unmistakable dubs shuffling up our street.
he didn't have time to warn me before they came to our door (he knows i get a bit testy whenever they visit).
i was in a nearby room, but heard nothing, saw nothing.
some of you REALLY KNOCKED!? i placed 8 mags last week without touching a door.