JoinedTopics Started by BitterTruth
C.O. Reports: JWs/WTS "Reach Critical Mass...
by BitterTruth injehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
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posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
JWs & "Creature Worship" -- Is I...
by BitterTruth injehovah's witnesses, creature worship and active practicers of idolatry.
jehovah's witnesses have long practiced idolatry and various forms of "creature worship," now for many years.
although the wts teaches and has stated many times in their publications that the world in general, by way of such things as "birthday" celebrations, christmas, and other annual events, actually eulogize and extol great glory upon man, the individual himself, and thus, by way of whats known as "creature worship," practice wholesale idolatry!.
JWs & "Creature Worship" - Idolatry?
by BitterTruth injehovah's witnesses, creature worship and active practicers of idolatry.
jehovah's witnesses have long practiced idolatry and various forms of "creature worship," now for many years.
although the wts teaches and has stated many times in their publications that the world in general, by way of such things as "birthday" celebrations, christmas, and other annual events, actually eulogize and extol great glory upon man, the individual himself, and thus, by way of whats known as "creature worship," practice wholesale idolatry!.
The "Man of Lawlessness" - Reconsidered
by BitterTruth inthe "man of lawlessness".
where does the bible say the "man of lawlessness" sits?
2 thessalonians 2:4 says that the "man of lawlessness" sits himself down in the temple of the god, but the watchtower society says this is an "apostate temple.
AP Wire Service: Jehovah's Witnesses & Blood
by BitterTruth inblood issue makes the ap.
new york (ap) - the jehovah's witnesses will continue to reject members who defy the group's prohibition of most blood transfusions, an official of the denomination said.
spokesman james pellechia dismissed as misleading news reports that the longstanding policy had been reversed.