Jehovah's Witnesses in their book Revelation - Its Grand Climax is at Hand! (1988) p. 264, par. 21, stated: "In contrast, Babylonish religion often has unsavory links with big business. For example, in 1987 the Albany Times Union reported that the financial administrator of the Catholic archdiocese of Miami, Florida, U.S.A., admitted to the church's owning stocks in companies that make nuclear weapons, R-rated movies, and cigarettes."
Doing so, they forget the following Biblical principal: "Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother's eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Allow me to extract the straw from your own eye'; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother's eye." - Matthew 7: 3-5 NWT.
Professor M. James Penton, in his book Apocalypse Delayed page 230, wrote: "The society [WTS] has regularly invested money in stocks for some years. In Rutherford's day stock markets were regarded negatively as part and parcel of greedy, industrial capitalism or big business. But since the judge's death his successors have become far more sympathetic to capitalism and see no reason why they should not invest savings in stock markets. Yet because most ordinary Witnesses still regard the stock markets as part of this 'doomed old world,' the society is very careful not to let the faithful know much about such financial activities. Only under sharp questioning from a few of their concerned brethren have Witness officials occasionally done so. It is easy to tell that this is happening though from statements in the society's literature which tactfully suggest that investing in stocks is perfectly moral." (see for example Awake! 22 October 1961, pp. 21-22; 8 February 1962, pp. 21-23; 8 October 2000, pp. 25-27)
Watchtower Society own Bomb Factory???
(This site gives the reader a first brief glance on the topic.)
owned by: 50% Watchtower Society
34% James McCann
16% Misc.
owned by: 51% REG Technologies Inc.
49% Rand Cam Engine Corp.
(if it's not a 9 try g)
(The above site confirm that REGI is 49% owned by RCEC, which RCEC is 50% owned by the WTS. And 34% by James McCann who donated the previous 50% to the WTS)
(go under: SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT. Once again this site proof the WTS owns 50% in RAND CAM ENGINE CORP. and which owns 49% of REGI)
(This site is about REGI. If you go under: PRODUCTS it gives you information about James McCann's involvment such as 20 October 1986 or 30 August 1983. It shows also that the company is involved in producing RC/DC.
Reading further down under DIESEL ENGINE (June 21, 1999) you find this interesting statement: "This engine [RC/DC] is being designed as a general purpose power plant for military and commercial applications."
Under: MARKETING it continue: "The company's current objective is to complete and test the compressor and diesel engine prototypes. Based on the successful testing, the prototypes will be used for presentation purposes to potential license and joint venture partners. The company will be making presentations to the military which could result in additional government funding if the diesel engine prototype meets with its approval."
Under AGGREGATE OPTION EXERCISES IN LAST FISCAL YEAR ... item ii, shows that the WTS who is the third share holder owns 5,367,900 and James McCann who is the fourth share holder same amount. It dates 31 July, 2000 which confirms at least till this date the WTS shares .