Can somebody here scan the report please? (Or fax it to Kent)I'm interested in all of it but the most is FRANCE.
can somebody here scan the report please?
(or fax it to kent)i'm interested in all of it but the most is france.. joe
Can somebody here scan the report please? (Or fax it to Kent)I'm interested in all of it but the most is FRANCE.
"bugger this", i thought, "i'm going to give this lot a piece of my mind!
" i opened the front door and walked towards the 2 sets of witness neighbours... .
part 3. .
a "12 bore" is a shotgun.
has anyone noticed, in the recent drawings (1990) of jesus on the stake by the watchtower that the nails are through his wrists instead of through his hands?
i did read something on that but i cant find where i read it, they said that his hands could not support the weight of his body so they now show the nails in his wrists.
if you know where this explanation can be found please let me know.
Hello William, and welcome to this board. If you're really interested in this subject, I recommend the following books:
CRUCIFICTION - Dr. Martin Hengel (Fortress press).
THE CROSS AND THE SHROULD - Dr. Frederick Zugibe (Angelus)
WATCHTOWER STAKE VS CHRISTIAN CROSS - Carolyne Pemberton ( Kingdom Ministries)
All the best in your research,
silent lambs wrote.
I would like to know if anybody heared about this group: "Satanic Pride Chaos Group."
My brother came in contuct with them and would like information TO AWARE THE PUBLIC.
today i received a new book by my friend ian haworth (who's also a member of fecris).
the name of his book: cults a practical guide (44 pages).it's very easy to read with interesting and practical information that i recomend to you all.. for further information see his web site:
today i received a new book by my friend ian haworth (who's also a member of fecris).
the name of his book: cults a practical guide (44 pages).it's very easy to read with interesting and practical information that i recomend to you all.. for further information see his web site:
Today I received a new book by my friend Ian Haworth (who's also a member of FECRIS). The name of his book: CULTS A PRACTICAL GUIDE (44 pages).It's very easy to read with interesting and practical information that I recomend to you all.
For further information see his web site:
well i finally made a decision.
i went to the local jw church and told them that if they didn't communicate with thier "hierarchy" and get jon's father to stop spending every night in his car on the street outside of my house that i was going to file suit, first against him, then against the crazy organization that seems to sanction his actions.
that man has been outside of my house every damn night and i finally figured out that since the local cops couldn't seem to do anything about it i would.. the other night i sat out on my front porch and waited for him to park his car across the street.
In the book IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM, by Raymond Franz, pp. 379 - 385, speaks of a similar case that took place in Greece. The person took legal action against JW's for spying on him and winned the case.
some of you may remember that when i joined this forum i was having problems at home regarding the un issue.
everything appears to have settled down now and i promised my mum that i wouldnt mention it again to her.
however, looking back at the events around that time, i feel that the circuit overseer not only made it difficult for me, but also for my mother.
Well done. If you don't know his address, why don't you send it to the Local Branch Officee (c/o: Mr... Circuit Overseer).
i would like to thank all those who contributed in the first part or wrote to me in private.
but i feel, there's many, many, more cases left untold.
therefore, i bag everybody to try to remember.
Hi Larc,
Thank you for the reference of last time. Your question was "why do I need the information." As I already said in part 1:
"The information is needed for a special conference that would take place in Belgium. Also, it is needed to show the danger of this sect and what it lead people to do. Yes, the french authority are interested in this."
I also think that this is powerful information that need to be all combinied and create a web page for it as Bill Bowen did with Child Abuse. This way people would know were to consult the subject and can keep a record of all cases which come to light.
i would like to thank all those who contributed in the first part or wrote to me in private.
but i feel, there's many, many, more cases left untold.
therefore, i bag everybody to try to remember.
Thanks Edward,
two questions: Was Linton Mewburn df or disassociated?
When did Purkiss committed suicide (if you don't know, round about which year)? & was he still a JW?