Not allowed any position in the congregation seeing as I was female, and only men are allowed to do anything!
Not allowed any position in the congregation seeing as I was female, and only men are allowed to do anything!
i dont know if i could do it, it'd almost be like buying tampons.
I went to a school with 900 people, and 23 JW's. ; I still managed to smoke, drink, consume narcotics and have "worldly girlfriends" in peace. ; Just don't hang out with them, it'd be stupid if you did. ; They're probably losers anyways, and don't put out either. ; And that's what you're getting the condoms for, right?
Heart2Heart (one of those "worldy girlfriends")
i find it very hard for me to believe that the governing body is unaware that many of the wtbts teachings and doctrines are not only deceiving people but are also spiritually, mentally and physically harming them as well.
what are your thoughts and comments?
proplog2: Good point on how the WT likes to brag about all of their technological advances, and how they keep up with the times... yet don't even use the internet to do so....
"Today, God's people make use of high-speed printing presses and computerized tools to publish Bibles and Bible literature in hundreds of languages. ; Rapid means of transport move Bible literature to distant parts of the earth reaching people in 235 lands. ; Through his spirit, Jehovah has impelled his servants to put such technology to practical use, making Bible truth available to more people than ever before in history."
Are high-speed printing presses and computerized tools really that new?? Not really, but they want the R&F to think so. If they really want to put technology to practical use in order to reach more people, the internet is the way to go, however, that would go against their teachings to stay away from the internet as much as possible (their aim to help them avoid anti-JW sites). They can't just go and then encourage people to use the internet - there would be a huge increase in the number of people leaving the organization, due to finding out the "truth about the truth" and they know that. The way technology is advancing though, and the world's increasing reliance on (and access to) the internet and computer, it won't be long before the WT is very outdated and it's members will be wondering why their "leader" of an organization is so slow and behind the times. What will they say then?
i find it very hard for me to believe that the governing body is unaware that many of the wtbts teachings and doctrines are not only deceiving people but are also spiritually, mentally and physically harming them as well.
what are your thoughts and comments?
I'm sure they believe that what they teach others is from God, or that God inspired them to think it up, so whatever they think up is some great thing. Maybe on some level there are things that bother them, like every other Witness, but they follow their own advice to "trust in Jehovah" and so the cycle continures as new ones climb the ladder to those seats of control. Then again, perhaps I am completely wrong and they know it is a scam and a lie, and don't care about the hurt they cause countless people. It is difficult to say. There are probably some of both up there in Brooklyn and leading the congregations. All I know is I saw through the lies before I wasted too much of my life slaving for egotistical power thirsty men playing God!
i'm looking for some pertinent legal info, and would like someone from new hampshire to pm me please.. thanks in advance.. kwin
i woke up this morning just after having the oddest dream that i've ever had.
i dreamed that i created a jw action figure set and saw the commercial for it.. here is the commercial as i remember it:.
"new from hasno toys, jehovah's witness action figures with real door knocking action and sound!".
New York:
Kwin has really strange dreams all the time, very detailed.... ask him some time about his dream about running secret documents between Palestine and Israel... lol
i woke up this morning just after having the oddest dream that i've ever had.
i dreamed that i created a jw action figure set and saw the commercial for it.. here is the commercial as i remember it:.
"new from hasno toys, jehovah's witness action figures with real door knocking action and sound!".
They would go great with the Jesus Christ action figures....
after a short discussion regarding the cross vs. stake theory with my grandmother i decided to refresh my memory of the wts doctrine regarding this and it's supporting arguments.
i was surprised to find that they only used one supporting reference to their claim.
it's a quote by john denham parsons written in 1896 (interesting that it took over 30 years for god to mention this to his mouthpiece).
That is the picture from page 7 of the "How Can Blood Save Your Life" brochure - it was done in 1883 by an artist named Gerome... not a Watchtower Society artist. However, they did decide to use it in their brochure.... The subtitle beside the picture says "Whatever the consequences, the early Christians refused to violate God's law on blood".
Heart2Heart (Mrs. Kwin)
well, it's going to be the first memorial i'll miss out on.
no big deal, but i guess it has to be considered one of the final stages of "apostasy" :-).
i remember i used to see some df-ed people at memorials.
This will be our first year not going. We too thought of doing something more personal at home to remember the occasion, like wine and bread and a discussion. I'm sure the church we're going to will have some kind of special program for Easter as well.
I'm not sure if Kwin's family is expecting us to go or not - they know we are not going to go to any meetings, assemblies, etc., but not attending the Memorial is a huge statement to those still "in". However, we are prepared that there may be repercussions from them, but we are not going to go simply to soothe their feelings.
for those of you who "came into the truth", how did it happen?.
were you seeking to find god, troubled with your own religion or suicidal?
did you pray that someone would teach you the truth about god and his purpose for mankind?.
Were you seeking to find God, troubled with your own religion or suicidal? Did you pray that someone would teach you the truth about God and his purpose for mankind?
I was very young (14) and always looking for the deep answers to life's questions, and felt that the Catholic school and church that I was raised in were very hypocritical in their teachings, contradicting the Bible which they claimed to believe. I was vulnerable and impressionable, I didn't know any better. Here come these people who have all the answers, right? I really felt like I had found what I was searching for. It took 9 years to burst that bubble. I still have questions, but at least I know now that manmade doctrines are not the place to look for answers. I am content to not know all the answers. What the WT teaches (the "behind-the-scene" kind of things you see only after you've been fully indoctrinated) is completely against my nature (shunning, everyone who's not JW is going to die, etc), and I wonder how I lasted 9 years without listening to my instincts.