You said: If a loving God wants everyone to believe in him, and if it is so important that everyone's afterlife depends on it, then why doesn't God personally reveal himself ot every person on the planet?
I, for one, do not think that this is unreasonably. I believe it is exactly what God will do. There is so much confusion about religion that it is almost impossible for the average person to sort through it. And, after we found that the JWs don't have the answers,it is doubly confusing for us as we once believed that we were right, that we had all truth!
A scripture that we used so often in the door-to-door work, Isaiah 2:2-4, I believe, shows that Jehovah is going to make it impossible for anyone to be able to say to Him,'I did not know which religion was right.' Notice that "the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains (all of them) and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills, (all of them)...." If, as you say, he wants all of us to worship him, then His worship must be made easily recognizable. We shouldn't have to debate about it. The right religion should be elevated to the extent that if a person chooses to accept something else, it would be a deliberate choice to pick the wrong one, and Jehovah would be within his rights to take his life, eternally. He will be proven to be a God of justice just as he has said.
Jehovah's Witnesses, have, so far, proven to be only a land. (Daniel 11:41) But, if you notice verse 45, when the King of the North returns, he finds a "holy mountain of Decoration." So, God's people have been elevated. And as such, they can now do as Isaiah 2:3 says: "And many peoples will certainly go and say: "Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths."
I don't think you will disagree with me when I say that this prophesy has not been fulfulled, therefore it has a future fulfillment. That is to say, you can accept this if you believe the Bible to be the word of God.