Hi Dreamer,
This info was posted back in July of the year 2000. It supports your position above.
------posted by BT [BitterTruth] July 19, 2000---------
Hi Dubby:
Part III. (Continued Discussion)
First Century "Parousia"/"Coming" of Jesus - Scriptural Proof
So, Dubby, if we take into account the fact that, if Christ has already “arrived” in the first century...then, we are really opening things ups a bit...right?
As we engage in this discussion, we must remember, to the layman Jehovah’s Witnesses, rank and file, he is lost because he does not know when the “arrival” of Christ was REALLY TO TAKE PLACE. He has been "cripple," he has been taught wrong, by the WTS.
Yes, as mentioned above, in part II of our discussion, sometimes the WTS says it is Armageddon, and sometimes they say it is 1914…it just depends upon how they want to teach the point…thats it.
Now, we are opening our minds to NEW IDEAS, new concepts...so we must, must keep in mind, the possibility does exist for “parousia” to mean “presence,” … that fact must be recognized...so we are not disputing this fact. But all we are saying, is that the word too...can, can, can mean "coming", a simple "coming," of a person. Yes, it can under certain circumstances and certain conditions…so the context of the scriptures would dictate the outcome, the real meaning.
So why don't we let the Bible speak for itself...is it a "coming" or a "presence?" -- Which?
IMPORTANT POINT: As we go along in our discussion, gradually, that point will become quite apparent, that the Greek word "parousia" actually meant "coming" to first century christians and NOT PRESENCE, an invisible presence, as extrapolated, extracted and concocted by the WTS' use of the Emphatic Diaglott (Benjamin Wilson), even to the most pre-conditioned WTS-indoctrinated Jehovah's Witnesses. This fact will indeed, become apparent...even as it did for Carl O. Jonnson, R.V. Franz, Ed Dunlap and other serious Bible students of Scripture...these ex-JWs who dared to defy the Great, High and Might WTS. These men, finally concluded, after much investigation that this was indeed, the truth of the matter -- a Biblically, established fact.
When we examine what the Bible teaches in context, “parousia” in context, we realize the plain and indisputable fact that the Bible writers just used the word “parousia” as a simple “coming” or return of our master, Jesus Christ. Nothing complicated about this at all.
The WTS made it complicated for us….so that they could be different, teach something different…that’s all…distinguish themselves above all of the other religions.
So then, there is no such thing as an “invisible presence” – an invisible “parousia,” an invisible “prsence” taught in the scriptures at all. There is just the “coming”, the “coming,” the second “coming”of Christ…that the Bible teaches…The WTS just made up the whole affair, when you boil it all down…that’s the long and short of it. And this can be easily proven from the scriptures. (Again, the books of Carl O. Jonnson deals in an exhaustive way to destroy such a notion...please consult the book for the details, if you doubt these conclusions.)
Now, that we have gotten past that, let’s re-examine the situation for ourselves.
We remember, Jesus Christ made an initial visit, or had a FIRST coming, to inspect the temple for God, as the “messenger of the Covenant.” This is his first visit, or coming. He is thus referred to in the scriptures as the “Coming One.”
That’s the “Coming One,” and not the “Present One....or the One who is Present.” And of course, this is referring to his first coming. Matt. 11:2, 3 says of Jesus:
“But John, having heard in jail about the works of the Christ, sent by means of his own disciples and said to him “Are you the Coming One or are we to expect a different one?”
Yes, Jesus was the “Coming One.” He has a "coming" and not a "presence"...that's what everyone expected of him...we need to be CONSISTENT with this thought...a "coming"...he was thought to be the "Coming One," his "coming"...thus, parousia, and erchomai, actually can mean the same thing...And this was his first “coming” or visit for inspection of the nation of Israel.
Of course, the nation of Israel “did not discern the time of their inspection,” as Jesus said and thus failed the test, because of not being prepared. They forfeited their unique opportunity before God to become a “royal nation,” a “priestly nation” to all of the other nations of the earth. – Exodus 19:5, 6; Luke 19:44
But Jesus did make the visit, the initial visit, his first visit, as the word “parousia" actually means…or his “coming.”
He "visited" the nation of Israel, for "inspection." That was his job, as "messenger of Covenant." And as Jesus came to the end of his first visit, his first “coming” or his “parousia,” still, while on earth, Jesus spoke often of his “return” or SECOND “coming.”
He spoke of this to his disciples often. That’s first century disciples.
But when was this to occur? This has been a mystery, his second “coming” or return for many, many years. Because this is precisely the time that Jesus promised he would "return" to "gather" his disciples, his church, and take them back to heaven to be with him.
First century christians were definitely aware of this teaching, since everyone of them, were anxiously awaiting this "return" of their Lord and Savior. They were not mixed up about his "return," his "second coming" under NO CIRCUMSTANCES...they knew he was returning and they expected, depended upon this, totally. And they had a definite "doctrine" or teaching they disemminated, or published on this subject. They were not "in the dark" about such a return or second "coming" of Jesus...as we are today.
Actually, until very recently, no one on earth could really say they completely understood this …this second return, second coming of Jesus…no one could because it was NOT Jehovah’s time to reveal to his people…his prophets…His “confidential matters.” – Amos 3:7
But that time, was sure to come.
Daniel 12:4 shows that it would be in the time of the end, when the book of Daniel would be “unsealed.” The “time of the end.” The book of Daniel would stay “sealed up” until then.
The following information can be considered as Biblical proof, that Jesus Christ did return, did “come,” did make his SECOND “Parousia,” “erchomai,” Second “eltho,” IN THE FIRST CENTURY, as the first century christians, inspired Bible writers included, apostles, EXPECTED…
Example #1.
2 Peter 3:3, 4
“For you know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying; Where is this promised presence [parousia or coming] of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.”
Why were the brothers “ridiculed” back then in the first century? Why?
They evidently taught something…something that disturbed their neighbors.
And what was that? Well, they taught a “Promised” return/presence/coming of the Lord, in the first century, in their lifetime! And they were ridiculed for teaching this….this “promised [parousia] of Jesus.”
Ask yourself, how could christians have been “ridiculed” for something they did not teach. The WTS says they did not teach Jesus’ return would occur in the first century. But if they did not teach this, then why were they “ridiculed” for believing this, teaching that Jesus would return in their lifetime, their generation. They evidently believed this and was KNOWN TO OUTSIDERS FOR THIS TEACHING and were heavily persecuted for teaching and believing such a thing.
This belief of a first century “return” or “parousia,” “coming of Jesus"…they were ridiculed for believing such and were known in the community to believe and teach such..., because no else believed it.
They must have believed such and taught it. …namely that Jesus was going to return in their lifetime…their generation. They evidently taught this, and they were consequently “ridiculed” for teaching this.
Does this make sense to you?
Example #2.
1 John 2:28 says:
“So now, little children, remain in union with him, that when he made manifest we may have freeness of speech and not be shamed away from him at his [parousia/coming].
Christians were expecting Jesus to come while they would still be alive. To be "shamed away," would clearly mean they were alive...alive to become ashamed away from the face of Christ, in that they had not measured up as true christians. The would need to be alive, to be put to "shame." THINK: If they had died and went to the grave, they could never experience "shame."
But "shame" would surely come if what Jesus promised happened to them...
"Then [at Christ's first century 2nd coming] two men will be in the field: [and unexpectedly] one will be TAKEN ALONG [resurrected to heavenly, instantly] and the other be ABANDONED [left behind]; two women will be grinding at the hand mill: one will be TAKE ALONG [resurrected to heaven, instantly...in a "twinkling of an eye"] and the other be ABANDONED [left behind]. -- Matthew 24:40, 41
Now, that could cause some serious "shame," if you were LEFT BEHIND, "ABANDONED" before your Lord and Savior, Jesus. That would be soooo "shameful," so "shameful", that you wouldn't want to tell any one, let no know that this had indeed happened...no and in fact, who would you tell any...all the good christians were gone...only to leave the WICKED...I don't think they would want to discuss such a possibility...so nothing was ever recorded or said about from a church or congregation point of view...it was hushed up. It never happened.
Many Scholars give serious creedance to the fact that the Book of Revelation could have been written, yes before 70 C.E. Yes, before. And then, too, it appears that just a few years after 70 c.e., strange Bible teachings began to surface. Even doubt as to whether the Name of God was important in worship or not, shortly after 70 c.e. It was not long after the destruction of the temple in 70 c.e. that "christians" began to teach "different doctrine," and entertain different ideas about Church Creed, Tradition, and Doctrine. Viewpoints began to vary among religious leaders of the church, Jesus established. Shortly after this date.
Example #3.
1 Thessalonians 2:19 says:
“For what is our hope or joy or crown of exaltation – why, is it not in fact you? – before our Lord Jesus at his [parousia/coming].”
It appears that these ones would be alive at the parousia of the Lord. This scripture seems to convey the same idea as the others concerning parousia.
Example #4.
1 Thessalonians 4:15 which says:
“For this is what we tell you by Jehovah’s Word, that we the living who survive to the [parousia] of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death]”
Christians expected to “survive to the [parousia] of the Lord. They expected this. Looked forward to this…to the “parousia” of the Lord. They knew it would occur in THEIR lifetime. Some would even “survive” until it came, in their lifetime.
This particular verse, is a powerful proof of first century parousia of Jesus.
Example #5.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 which says:
“May the very peace of God sanctify you completely. And sound in every respect may the spirit and soul and body of you brothers be preserved in a blameless manner at the [parousia/coming] of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Christians, their “body,” “spirit,” and “soul” was to be “preserved” until the parousia of Christ, in the first century...until his second coming.
Example #6
1 Corinthians 5:5says:
“You hand such a man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, in order that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.”
Paul is saying, “remove this wicked man from your midst, so that, Jehovah will continue to give you brothers the spirit of our God, God’s Holy Spirit.” Let’s “save that spirit,” during the “Lord’s Day.” The "day" of the first century christians -- during their lifetime. So, then, the expression, the “day of the Lord,” is unique and can be understood as being during the "day" of first century christians, the first century.
Paul said that they were ALREADY IN THAT "DAY", in that same "day of the Lord," which forces to see the critical and pressing need to “save the spirit” of God and its operation upon the congregation, which was in their midst, now…during "the day of the Lord, Jesus" -- during the first century. His “day” , the “Lord’s Day,” “Jesus’ day,” was conceived with the birth of the first century congregation at pentecoste, in which he became head of…during the first century. This was the “Lord’s Day” – in the first century.
Example #7
1 Corinthians 1:7, 8 which says:
“so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ; who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
First Century were “waiting” for the “revealing” of Jesus. They expected this to happen in their lifetime and in their generation.
Example #8
2 Thessalonians 1:6, 7 says:
“This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the Revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels.”
How could first century christians experience “relief” at the revelation of the Lord Jesus if they were not alive, when he returned?
Example #9
2 Thessalonians 1;10 which says:
“on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you.”
The ones who “believed” were first century christians…these are the ones that would “marvel” when he came.” They would live to see him when he “comes to be glorified.”
Example #10
1 Peter 4:7 which says:
“But the end of all things has drawn close…”
"THE END". The “End” of the Jewish system of things…the system of things…which ended in 70 c.e. when General Titus destroyed the entire city of Jerusalem, and its magnificient Temple, and Priesthood...the end, when Jesus was due to come…it had drawn close because one generation would live to see it all…their "generation."
Jesus said at Matthew 24:34,
"Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until ALL THESE THINGS OCCUR."
Yes, "One Generation" would see "ALL," yes, "ALL THESE THINGS OCCUR," -- everything Jesus had spoken of -- The first century disciples would see, ALL THESE THINGS OCCUR, just as Jesus had described them in Matthew 24th chapter. They would "see all these things occur," within their lifetime, the lifetime of "One Generation."
A powerful proof of Jesus' First Century Parousia, don't you think?
Example #11.
John 11;25, 26 says:
“Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?”
These can only be understood one way…this all happens in the generation of these people, in the first century. Some of them could live to the “end,” of the Jewish system, like the John, the apostle. In such a case, he would not need to experience “death” at all, but would be “changed, in the twinkling of an eye…” to heavenly life…an instaneous change for him and many others who would be alive when Jesus made his “second coming,” his second “parousia” in the first century.
Example #12
John 8:51 says:
“Most truly I say to you, if anyone observes my word, he will never see death at all.”
Same conclusion. Only possible unless, Jesus makes his return and performs a resurrection at his second “parousia” or second coming in the first century, before these individuals could die of old age.
Example #13
Mark 8:38 says:
“For whoever becomes ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will also be ashamed of when he arrives in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
These same people…these same people, not different people, but these same people…are accountable to Jesus…He says so. They must face him. So, we see, the Individual acountability…this could only be possible unless the same people are alive and have to face Jesus, as a “generation.” They have to face their judgment, their accountability, as individuals…as a Jewish nation of people.
Example #14
Luke 21:34-36 says:
“But pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. Keep awake, then all, the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined occur, and in standing before the Son of Man.”
First century christians would have to “escape ALL THESE THINGS,” which included the “return” of the Messiah…one generation gets to see it all, including the return of the “master.” They would all have to “stand before the Son of man,” finally, in their lifetime…succeed in “escaping” all of these things mentioned by Jesus, the “Son of Man.”
Example #15
1 Peter 1:7 and 13 says:
“in order that the tested quality of your faith, of much greater value than gold that perishes despite its being proved by fire, may be found a cause for praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ…Hence brace up your senses completely; set your hope upon the undeserved kindness that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
First century “tested quality of your faith” would be “found a cause for praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” … during their lifetime, they would live to see this…their generation.
So, now we have considered some 15 examples …but there many more examples that prove that Jesus Christ did indeed, “come” in the first century, true to his promises to the faithful, the first century christians.
Any thoughts, so far...Dubby?
Jehovah's Witnesses, God's Name People -- Destined to "Fall" and Be "Restored" According to Bible Prophecy -- Isaiah 30:26; Jeremiah 23:19, 20
Edited by - TheBitterTruth on 19 July 2000 14:49:42