JoinedTopics Started by Blackcat
by Blackcat in,,30000-1116837,00.html
one person has been killed and 51 injured - two seriously - after a coach and land rover collided.. the land rover driver was declared dead at the scene and the coach driver was seriously injured in the accident on the a286 near brook, surrey.
a further 49 people on the coach were taken to either frimley park hospital or the royal surrey county hospital at guildford with a range of minor injuries and shock.a passenger in the land rover was also seriously injured in tuesday evening's accident.. the coach was returning to chichester from london and was carrying people aged from eight to their mid-70s.. a "handful" of children were believed to have suffered superficial injuries.
Watchtower real estate
by Blackcat in.
bloody rolling in it !
watchtower real estate
by Blackcat in.
bloody rolling in it !
"The Pope"
by Blackcat inanyone here have an elder in their congregation who thought he was the head of the congregation ?.
the elder in our congregation was looked up to as god himself by the faithful dubs in the cong.
hence in circles he was nicknamed "the pope".. he even had his own reserved seat in the kingdom hall which no -one dared sit in, it was the only chair in the hall that had armrests on it.....and that was "the popes" seat.
Opening the Door to Jehovah's Witnesses
by Blackcat inanyone read the book ??.
this book is an honest and thought provoking examination of the watchtower society, its teachings, and its membership; a must-read for anyone who is in contact with jehovahs witnesses.
They make me sick !!
by Blackcat in.
the jw comments are so disgusting it sickens me, why cant they accept evidence ?
guardian newspaper (re.dateline)
by Blackcat insect demands biblical proof
stephen bates, religious affairs correspondent.
guardian .
"only read what "mother" says&qu...
by Blackcat injust noticed the comments from "sis" on regarding dateline...... "satan wants us to have doubts and he uses this type of propaganda to sew the seeds.
to find comfort i would suggest going to the offical site and viewing the videos and reading what "mother" has to say".. so we are fooled by the propoganda ?
why are jws sooooo ignorant of fact ??.