The burden of belief in JW-scale assaults on common sense scales with Moore's Law.
Posts by rmt1
Intervention of God in Babel and why allow suffering explication contradiction
by trackregister99 inhello.. jehovah witnesses teaches that adam d ecided autonomous sovereignty and god choose let time elapse for demonstrate whether government is better: human government or divine government, allowing many suffering and blood in thousand years.. .
but, the human government received an intervention of god when he confused the languages ?
?at babel.
AGM "The Governing Body appeared so human, I enjoyed them taking the time to speak to us!"
by AuntConnie ina higher education is of no value when you allow yourself to slowly be baked in to the cult.
the remarks above came from a sister who has a college degree in social science and biology and loved logic and critical thinking.
we at jwn sometimes assume a higher education might help people see through the smoke and mirrors which did not happen in this case.
I would contend that the wisest, most detached scientific mind can relapse into superstition, because that is the natural state of the human brain. Perhaps there are alternate theories. People can hit hard times ontologically where what they knew or thought they knew doesn't answer the new question. People can hit mental, emotional, spiritual potholes, be in the wrong place at the wrong time. To say that JWs are opportunistic predators that seek out the mentally, emotionally, spiritually weak, or predatory salesmen that seek out the socioeconomically disadvantaged, doesn't cover it. Any chink in your armor of rationality is a gaping invitation to be exploited.
I take exception to using the word "Godless". It yeilds to the adversary the rhetorical footing and appearance of possessing the high ground, and the speaker having a lack. Dialectic bias a priori. Like a kangaroo court already signed, sealed and delivered. Those who insist on a putative deity are at the very bottom of the stack of independently repeatable, reproducible and verifiable evidence.
AGM "The Governing Body appeared so human, I enjoyed them taking the time to speak to us!"
by AuntConnie ina higher education is of no value when you allow yourself to slowly be baked in to the cult.
the remarks above came from a sister who has a college degree in social science and biology and loved logic and critical thinking.
we at jwn sometimes assume a higher education might help people see through the smoke and mirrors which did not happen in this case.
I contend that religion is hardwired in the homo sapien, as an absolutely indispensible evolutionary survival mechanism. Superstition is sufficient to preserve the soul alive, but it will not build pyramids. For pyramids and the technological advances required to handle large numbers, you need religion. Later in history... It is only through discipline and attention and a degree of safety from a large number of dangers that one can calm the survival instinct and accomplish true advancement in knowledge through a scientific unassuming detachment. She reflects humans in their primitive superstitious state.
All JW Elders World Wide...A Call To Action!
by bjc2read inthis just posted on a jw reform board at this link:.
see acts 20:26-28.. if we do not speak out now, at this time, then no elder in any body of elders from around the world, will be able to repeat the words of paul, with a clear conscience.
Protestantism. Need a Luther, a door, a nail, a pen, a paper, and some grievances. Where can we possibly find some grievances at this hour?
So you want to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Watchtower-Free in
from roguepixel100 on youtube.
You will be placed on their version of a terrorist watch list if you cite or draw inspiration or parallels from the founding member(s) who rebeled or in some way stuck it to the Man. Citing, quoting, leveraging, imitating or borrowing from Jesus in non-sanctioned ways is eating their lunch. There is a special designated area set aside behind fencing and at some distance from anyone else where you can practice your freedom of speech about Jesus. This is covered under the Berean Amendment to make sure such and such is so. Act now, for supplies of this freedom of speech are limited.
So you want to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Watchtower-Free in
from roguepixel100 on youtube.
LOL Going insane was an option.
"you're pretty compassionate for an atheist"
by Hortensia inmy favorite compliment of the day.
what a lot of assumptions people have about what makes an atheist tick..
Sign says, "Bottomless crack in road up ahead. Drive into it at your own risk."
Interesting movie trivia fact about new WT Headquarters location
by WingCommander inhere is a weird fact: as i was watching the official wt video about the new headquarters project (can be seen on, i recognized the building they were tearing down, the front shot of it.
because this building was used exclusively in the 1986 movie, "the manhattan project".
it's kind of a cult-classic favourite movie from my youth that i still watch.
"Jehovah’s will regarding Warwick"
Another datum in favor of the argument that internet is a dominant force in expanding the context in which thinking persons can perform simple calculations of scale and magnitude and perform sanity checks on claims of divine intervention.
For instance, what was the all-powerful Jehovah's will regarding the Indonesian tsunami of 2004 that killed 230,000 people?
Average JW's response to new light
by WrongweektostopsniffingGlue in
wwssg, that's a rare harmony between screen name and pic.