Continuity of legacy and inheritance, typically coming from a patriarchal resource base, which does not yet have on its mind the varieties of legacy and estate that the daughter/neice/standard-bearer might achieve/acquire for herself in a wholly unfreighted state. But in general having greater estate corellates with later and more prepared childbearing. Also one cannot forget in this day of technological marvels and cradle-to-grave medical capabilities that children were once a workforce to be developed as promptly as was medically optimal for the childbearer and a home healthcare system to assist the parent in later years. Also, it is still an unconscious and evolutionary assumption that a woman's highest achievement might be childbearing, and a well-intentioned encouragement to childbearing betrays what in a colder and clinical analysis is really none of anyone's business. It is hardwired and its roots are deep. The best way to combat the pressure is to encourage young women to gain an unstoppable momentum in their field of choice, so that it is they themselves who decide when their own momentum has consumed itself in developing success later in life, and they look around and can check off a bunch of boxes, and say, ok maybe now.
Posts by rmt1
The Gall Of WT To Give This Advice To Pioneers:
by JW GoneBad inthis past week's wt study lesson was entitled: 'pioneering strengthens our relationship with god'.. under the subheading 'remaining in the full-time service' in par 14 the wt has the nerve to give this admonition to pioneers: .
'desiring to learn from jesus' example, a pioneer does well to keep in mind that the more material things he has, the more he will have to maintain , repair, or replace.'.
i don't think the gb or anyone in the writing department has the freedom to speak on giving adivce on the matter of 'material things' given the fact that wt has close to a billion dollars in real estate and loads of money in various bank accounts; given the fact that gb is currently building themselves new living quarters with who knows what sort of comforts and other amenities.
You cannot make a horse drink. You can, however, make a milk shake.
Sophisticated Theology is nothing but background STATIC to me.
by nicolaou inprobably won't win any friends with this one but here goes .
.. some of the more thoughtful and intelligent believers here may object that atheists only address 'unsophisticated' arguments about the existence of god or noah's flood or the literal account of creation in genesis.
perhaps you think we ignore the 'sophisticated' arguments that might actually answer our objections.. well in my case your pretty much correct.. my mind turns to mush when 'sophisticated' debate takes over on questions of faith and doctrine.
The innovative creationist would reject your dismissal by asserting truthfully that 1% of the static you see on your pre-cable tv is from the cosmic microwave background and that since asjkajhf uiyi hghg kjkj poooiu ioyui ye ,m,ml kpojhj dfdgfdgfdg jhjhkjknn knkkhhgg ooppoioj jhbmnb7, these things considered in conjunction prove conclusively that you are seeing the very face of the Ultimate Grand Designer of All of Existence that you deny.
Why is JW Net so hostile? Is it just me?
by Brother Mike inwhy can't i say something without someone immature trying to be a smart ass or trying to fight everything i say and use it against me?
comments welcome.
"You are worth more than that." Agreed. The courage to walk onto a board like this is evidence of good, strong working material. Software needs replaced/patched/upgraded. There's no geek squad for that.
Sins that J kills you for, even if you repent
by rebel8 inon this thread, i remarked that certain sins 'grieve the spirit' (or whatever term the dubs use to call something a mortal sin).. i was taught there are certain sins so serious that you must pay with your life, even if you repent.those sins are so serious that you must be a human sacrifice like the israelites did with animals to cleanse the sin.. but don't worry--jehoopla will raise you back up to become a zombie on earth.
what a loving god!!.
i haven't heard this discussed in a while so i'm imagining it's one of the many teachings they just stopped mentioning, without officially retracting it.
"Jehovah to execute you at Armageddon, probably in a horrific manner, only to resurrect you later."
I got out in 1999. I do not recall that last part. The last I heard was that if you're killed at Armageddon that _was_ your last opportunity. The entire mechanics of their apocalyptic franchise rests on that specific terror, and on making the ostensible nations (but in practice the publishers) faint out of fear for what murder and genocide Jehovah-Satan is bringing (hyphenation intentional). I'll be curious to the responses...
JW women love and the control system my view point
by MysticMage inwell let's just say i never had any luck with women in the jws.
i only met one super hot girl with a great body.
and sexy voice.
Is laughing important to you? Do any women make you laugh?
Why is JW Net so hostile? Is it just me?
by Brother Mike inwhy can't i say something without someone immature trying to be a smart ass or trying to fight everything i say and use it against me?
comments welcome.
I recently had an encounter with a Ptolemy who had a yard stick for his deferents and a sticker pack of epicycles. (He is in a science degree and in a fraternity.) Every allusion that went over his head, every word that exceeded his vocabulary, was an irregularity or peculiarity denoting a pretension and a misunderstanding. Ptolemies are flummoxed by things that do not apparently center on them or on their world view. The problem is fixed, with some difficulty, by assigning a number of epicycles to those peculiarities that dare refrain from genuflecting to the inviolate stranglehold on reality, ontology and purpose at the center of their system.
The Gall Of WT To Give This Advice To Pioneers:
by JW GoneBad inthis past week's wt study lesson was entitled: 'pioneering strengthens our relationship with god'.. under the subheading 'remaining in the full-time service' in par 14 the wt has the nerve to give this admonition to pioneers: .
'desiring to learn from jesus' example, a pioneer does well to keep in mind that the more material things he has, the more he will have to maintain , repair, or replace.'.
i don't think the gb or anyone in the writing department has the freedom to speak on giving adivce on the matter of 'material things' given the fact that wt has close to a billion dollars in real estate and loads of money in various bank accounts; given the fact that gb is currently building themselves new living quarters with who knows what sort of comforts and other amenities.
I see. Brother Mike is as impervious a tower as Jesus, who preached to the spirits in prison. Unfallible, incorruptible, wiser than the words of Jehovah that are provided at the proper time through the (current, however that is formulated, whatever) Faithful and Discreet Slave. Brother Mike is in fact more knowledgeable, more far-seeing, and wiser than, Jehovah, Himself. I wonder if it's the first time that has happened...
Who wants to live forever?
by Doug Mason inwhat will living be like after 5 billion years?.
The life span of a universe like ours, presently understood, is about 10^100. After that there's not much >at all< to see. So living that long would be a decent minimum lifespan, if one really wants to see every variety of thing that there is to see. Anything less is dying young. And 10^100 is >not< forever. That packs of fools should be fined a nickle every time "forever" passes their pie hole.
The Gall Of WT To Give This Advice To Pioneers:
by JW GoneBad inthis past week's wt study lesson was entitled: 'pioneering strengthens our relationship with god'.. under the subheading 'remaining in the full-time service' in par 14 the wt has the nerve to give this admonition to pioneers: .
'desiring to learn from jesus' example, a pioneer does well to keep in mind that the more material things he has, the more he will have to maintain , repair, or replace.'.
i don't think the gb or anyone in the writing department has the freedom to speak on giving adivce on the matter of 'material things' given the fact that wt has close to a billion dollars in real estate and loads of money in various bank accounts; given the fact that gb is currently building themselves new living quarters with who knows what sort of comforts and other amenities.
Brother Mike, I noticed you've gotten a free pass and not been called out as being apostate for posting on an apostate site. Does that make you feel welcome? Wary? Clearly, if you're a JW on paper yours is superior to JW thinking if you can handle the seduction of making choices for yourself, defying strident dictates of 8 pasty suits in some state in the north east, and even swearing!, and then hermetically sealing off this secret as you go back to your suit, tie, clean shave, fake smiles, and all the accoutrements. If you're that smart to beat the GB, are you smart enough to make dwelling UNDER the GB that palatable? Can you sell a freezer to an eskimo?