JoinedPosts by Atlantis
The Interior Bulletins!
by Atlantis inin september 1959, anne and i were invited to serve at bethel in paris, france, where i was assigned to take the lead in printing.
up until the time of our arrival in january 1960, printing had been done by a commercial firm.
since the watchtower was then banned in france, we printed the magazine each month in the form of a 64-page booklet.
In September 1959, Anne and I were invited to serve at Bethel in Paris, France, where I was assigned to take the lead in printing. Up until the time of our arrival in January 1960, printing had been done by a commercial firm. Since The Watchtower was then banned in France, we printed the magazine each month in the form of a 64-page booklet. The booklet was called The Interior Bulletin of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and it contained the articles to be studied in the congregations for the month. From 1960 to 1967, the number of those sharing in the preaching work in France increased from 15,439 to 26,250.-----------------------------------------------------Download:The Interior Bulletin, (French), various copies, heavy with under-lining and notes and "not" for the public.Atlantis! -
Letter to the pioneers
by DAWUD inhey!.
is it true that the pioneers used to get letter each year?
does anyone have any?.
It can be done, but not right now. It will take quite some time to collect them all and organize them. I will have to work on it a little at a time.
I have already been asked to scan another "Fat Boy" and that will take quite a bit of time also.
Letter to the pioneers
by DAWUD inhey!.
is it true that the pioneers used to get letter each year?
does anyone have any?.
Pretty much gives helpful hints to the pioneers.
Plan Ahead
Accomplish The Most Good
Remember Your Follow Up Ministry
Use the Art of Persuasion
Importance of House to House Ministry
Good Schedule
Preach Everywhere
and most important,
send all the German Beer to smiddy3 and Atlantis!!!
"The Bunker" episode
by neat blue dog inif you like criminal minds check out season 13 episode 6, the bunker.
of course it borrows from cults in general but some jw similarities as well, such as emotional propaganda videos, us vs them, telling new converts that they're going to be persecuted and told lies about the organization, end of the world fear etc.. here's an idea: if you're pimo, watch it with a jw relative and watch the discomfort ensue 😏.
The Bunker--Criminal Minds
Under the picture of the man and the woman in the movie we read: (3rd picture down)Now onto the unsubs. They were a boring pair.
They were both apparently true survivalists who were convinced the end was near.
I believe Irene was largely operating from a decent place, once you get past the, you know, kidnapping. She felt she was giving her clients a chance at a better life. Whether they wanted that chance was a completely different question.
Coleman, on the other hand, just wanted to be the last man on Earth, surrounding by, in many cases, attractive young women. He was a typical doomsday cult leader and was just using Irene for her contacts and her real estate.
Yeah, he was kind of a dick. I mean, killing a pediatrician they needed just because she wasn't enough of a true believer.
Letter to the pioneers
by DAWUD inhey!.
is it true that the pioneers used to get letter each year?
does anyone have any?.
Yes, there are hundreds of them.
Click the image to make it larger.
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And another one:
Page 1
Page 2
If you want the whole she-bang of them the file would be in the gigabytes.
Atlantis! -
2021-November-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-november-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
Yes, that statement is enough to sour your stomach! Others may want to have a brown paper bag handy when they read that one. Their take on it is, you "remove" yourself from the congregation by getting a transfusion. You, disfellowship yourself sort of speaking. But we know better than that don't we? You can always rely on the Tower to put a bad taste in your mouth. When I think of all those young kids who died because they refused a transfusion, it makes me sick.
2021-November-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-november-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
Welcome my friend! If there is anything else you need just say the word.
No problem at all.
Coffee time!
2021-November-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-november-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
Ha, you are all invited for coffee and cake back in the breakroom. (I think there is some booze back there somewhere!!!)
Here you go!
Questions From Readers
● One of Jehovah’s witnesses who claims to be of the anointed remnant recently went to the hospital and took a blood transfusion, voluntarily. Should she be allowed to partake of the emblems of bread and wine at Memorial time?—R. J., United States.
We, of course, regret with you that this sister who professes to be one of the anointed remnant took a blood transfusion voluntarily during her stay in the hospital. We believe that she did the wrong thing contrary to the will of God. However, congregations have never been instructed to disfellowship those who voluntarily take blood transfusions or approve them. We let the judgment of such violators of God’s law concerning the sacredness of blood remain with Jehovah, the Supreme Judge.The only thing that can be done in the cases of individuals like this is to view them as immature and therefore not capable of taking on certain responsibilities, hence refusing to make certain assignments of service to such ones.
Since an individual is not disfellowshiped because of having voluntarily taken a blood transfusion or having approved of a dear one’s accepting a blood transfusion, you have no right to bar this sister from the celebration of the Lord’s Evening Meal. As an anointed member of Christ’s body she is under orders and command by Christ Jesus to partake. Whether she is unfaithful as to what she professes to be by virtue of taking the emblems of the Lord’s Evening Meal is something for Jehovah God to determine himself. His judgment begins at the house of God. It is not for you or anyone serving the Memorial emblems to act as the judge, but to allow the emblems to go to anyone in the audience as these are passed along in the normal manner of letting each one have the opportunity to partake.
Scan: Click the image to Zoom in.
Grandpa! -
2021-November-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-november-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
Thank you for your comments and well prepared research. I have had JW's write to us and remark how they would travel to a different state and have a blood transfusion.
Some would pay to have a loved one moved to an area where they are not known as JW's and receive a blood transfusion with no regrets at all.
After all, the Tower allows for the "anointed" to get a blood transfusion and they are not disfellowshipped.
Anyone wanting proof of that just let me know and I'll grab you a link and a Cappuccino! Let me know if you want whipped cream with that!
2021-November-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis in2021-november-s-147-announcements and reminders.
english and german.
Always welcome!