JoinedPosts by Atlantis
by Atlantis in2021-11-18--pioneers.
click the image to make it larger.. .
For New Ones!
by Atlantis inevery day someone somewhere is being disfellowshipped.
after the trauma of being cast out and shunned by relatives and friends, many exjw's start an investigation of the watchtower society.. they begin to collect every scrap of evidence they can get their hands on to prove they were lied to.. some of these archives may come in handy.
if you need something and it is not in an archive somewhere, send me a pm and i'll see if we can get it for you.
You are very welcome!
You are very welcome!
For New Ones!
by Atlantis inevery day someone somewhere is being disfellowshipped.
after the trauma of being cast out and shunned by relatives and friends, many exjw's start an investigation of the watchtower society.. they begin to collect every scrap of evidence they can get their hands on to prove they were lied to.. some of these archives may come in handy.
if you need something and it is not in an archive somewhere, send me a pm and i'll see if we can get it for you.
JW GoneBad:
Doctor Who:
Thank you all very much! Ok, why don't we serve all the folks a nice Seafood Platter with all the trimmings. Love those salads and garlic bread.
So, When Did They Stop Singing?
by Atlantis inrutherford said:.
a few words like the above pronounced at the beginning of the study would be far more beneficial than to occupy the same time in singing songs, which often express much that is out of harmony with the truth of and concerning god's kingdom.watchtower/1938/may/1st/pg.139 .
back then, they had what was called: order of study, and this is what every overseer was instructed to say to the audience.. .
road to nowhere:
Thank you!
Request----Federal Post Office Inspector!
by Atlantis inatlantis:.
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
Good grief! You have certainly had your days with the Tower!
Hope everything is better now.
So, When Did They Stop Singing?
by Atlantis inrutherford said:.
a few words like the above pronounced at the beginning of the study would be far more beneficial than to occupy the same time in singing songs, which often express much that is out of harmony with the truth of and concerning god's kingdom.watchtower/1938/may/1st/pg.139 .
back then, they had what was called: order of study, and this is what every overseer was instructed to say to the audience.. .
neat blue dog:
I agree!
St George of England:
I understand that as soon as Rutherford kicked-the-bucket, they all started singing again. JW's did not agree with Rutherford's interpretation.
There are a lot of JW's out there right now that don't agree with some of the information coming from the governing body. Such as: You must get vaccinated and so forth Overlapping generation, are they kidding? I have seen cartoons that made more sense. Who will and who will not be resurrected. And the list goes on and on.
Thousands of JW's remain "only" because they want to keep peace in their family and not lose everything they have.
So, When Did They Stop Singing?
by Atlantis inrutherford said:.
a few words like the above pronounced at the beginning of the study would be far more beneficial than to occupy the same time in singing songs, which often express much that is out of harmony with the truth of and concerning god's kingdom.watchtower/1938/may/1st/pg.139 .
back then, they had what was called: order of study, and this is what every overseer was instructed to say to the audience.. .
Years after they took up the name "Jehovah's Witnesses", or in 1938, Rutherford decided that singing songs would be deleted, so that an "Introduction Statement" could be announced instead. Rutherford felt that singing songs often expressed things that were out of harmony with God's kingdom.
Rutherford said:A few words like the above pronounced at the beginning of the study would be far more beneficial than to occupy the same time in singing songs, which often express much that is out of harmony with the truth of and concerning God's kingdom.
Watchtower/1938/May/1st/pg.139So, what was this opening statement that Rutherford wanted announced before every meeting?Back then, they had what was called: Order Of Study, and this is what every overseer was instructed to say to the audience.Then two minutes might well be devoted to such at the beginning of all meetings for study, and if the one presiding has not the appropriate words at hand he might well repeat in substance or read the following, to wit:
"We are now in the time of great peril. Satan the Devil, the opposer of God and the enemy of man, has brought all the woe, sorrow and suffering upon the world, and the end of his organization and his wicked reign is now at hand. The great crisis has arrived because Jehovah, the Almighty God, has enthroned Christ Jesus, his King and Rightful Ruler of the world, and who will bring order out of confusion and will bestow blessings upon those who worship God in spirit and in truth. Soon he will destroy the wicked and will fully vindicate Jehovah's name. All the peoples of earth are now being separated by the Lord into two classes. Every person, therefore, must be in oneof such classes. Those on the Lord 's side, and who are obedient to him, are called 'sheep', while those who remain with the Devil and his organization are designated as 'goats'. Armageddon, which is near at hand, will witness the destruction of the 'goats'. The 'sheep', or obedient ones, will find protection and salvation in the Lord. All the obedient ones must be witnesses to the name and to the kingdom of Jehovah God, and in this witness work the anointed must take the lead, and all who love God and his kingdom must follow in the same way. God has commanded that just preceding Armageddon a world-wide witness must be given among the nations to the people of good will, that they may be warned of what is about to come to pass and that they may flee to the kingdom as the only place of safety. This assembly of God's people is here to study a portion of his Word that we may be better equipped to follow his instructions. Let everyone, including all the children, feel and appreciate the importance and solemnity of this occasion and of this study and be alert and diligent to gain as much information as possible, which will enable them to prove their integrity toward Jehovah and to serve his kingdom. What we learn here at the Lord's hand we should, at the appropriate time, go forth and make known to others, that the name of Jehovah may be declared and made known in the earth. Let all keep in mind that the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, has provided the kingdom, which is the sole hope of the peoples of earth, and that our greatest privilege is now to gain a knowledge, understanding and an appreciation of our relationship to God and his kingdom, and to make known his great name and his kingdom. To this end we will now pursue our study."That statement was to be announced before every meeting instead of singing songs.Scans: Click the image to make it larger.Cookie thief! -
Request----Federal Post Office Inspector!
by Atlantis inatlantis:.
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
Asilo Carlotta:
Thank you so very much! What a nice compliment!
For New Ones!
by Atlantis inevery day someone somewhere is being disfellowshipped.
after the trauma of being cast out and shunned by relatives and friends, many exjw's start an investigation of the watchtower society.. they begin to collect every scrap of evidence they can get their hands on to prove they were lied to.. some of these archives may come in handy.
if you need something and it is not in an archive somewhere, send me a pm and i'll see if we can get it for you.
Oh boy, more coffee! Thank you Sir!
Thank you! And we scan things for people free of any charges. If you need something scanned, just send it to me in postal mail and I'll scan it for you and send it back to you. We have done this many, many times.
If you have "secret" files you want exposed, just send it to me and I'll "scrub" it and post it for you. ( What is meant by "scrub"? ) We delete anything hidden in the document that could be traced back to the sender. Then we re-name the file. Then we post the document with cappuccino and sweet rolls!
Ok, ok, if you prefer bacon and eggs we can work something out.