And that's not all. N.H. Knorr wrote a letter to the Secretary Of State in 1943 asking favors and gave this high ranking official his entire schedule.
Where he was going, and where he would leave, and asked for advice. Knorr even spoke of other Government Officials he had visited.
Everywhere Knorr was going to visit, the dates, details of his visits and the whole she-bang was in his letter to the Secretary Of State.
Another Watchtower Official went to the "War Board" to get paper to print the Watchtower and Awake magazines on. There was a shortage of paper back in those days and the Tower officials had to go to "Satan's" organization for supplies.
All that stuff is back there in the (pm) breakroom by the blueberry muffins and coffee pot. Just let me know if you want it and I'll snatch it up for you. Boy, these muffins are good!