neat blue dog:
Thanks, but I think you are one of the great ones!
i was cleaning out some old photos etc.
from my mother's stuff and landed on a small box containing 1980-2000 km.
my first thought was to toss it.
neat blue dog:
Thanks, but I think you are one of the great ones!
i was cleaning out some old photos etc.
from my mother's stuff and landed on a small box containing 1980-2000 km.
my first thought was to toss it.
It is possible that there could be some differences between the Canadian and USA. Kingdom Ministries. If you want, instead of tossing them, send over to me and I'll scan them all and send them back to you. I'll pay for all the shipping both ways.
I have been doing this since the time I was drinking buddies with Moses.
Atlantis! The-Old-Timer
new talk outlines you might want.. no.
24 have you found a “pearl of high value”?no.
25 resist the spirit of the world!no.
road to nowhere:
You said it! Lack of love!
Stay safe cause we need you.
new talk outlines you might want.. no.
24 have you found a “pearl of high value”?no.
25 resist the spirit of the world!no.
Very good! I am glad the download went well for you. How have you been doing? Just trying to keep your head above water and survive this virus mess like me?
I stay home most of the time and only go out when it is absolutely necessary. But staying inside all the time does get a little boring. I take walks sometimes just to get a little exercise.
Well, you take care and I hope this new year will bring you lots of happiness.
( A little shot of "Oh Be Joyful" doesn't hurt now and then! )
Atlantis ( grandpa )
new talk outlines you might want.. no.
24 have you found a “pearl of high value”?no.
25 resist the spirit of the world!no.
New Talk Outlines you might want.
the watchtower—study edition | march 2021. study article 13. jehovah will protect you—how?.
14 we also have the support of myriads of powerful angels.
think of what just one angel can do!
They are really full of it aren't they RULES?
If their claim was true, then why have so many JW's died from the virus? Where was this protection in Russia? Where was this protection in Malawi years ago?
And the list goes on and on showing that the "protection" claim is a crock of bull.
click here for download link.
please use winrar to extract the following documents:.
2021--january--s-147--english--announcements and reminders.
I waited for you to post them, but I thought you might be busy with work or family matters, so I went ahead and posted them so that the folks wouldn't have to wait.
The drinks are on me!
we are pleased to inform you that, where possible, the 2021 circuit assembly with the circuit overseer (ca-co) program and the 2021 special meeting with regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionaries program will be broadcast via a product called jw stream–studio.
this product will allow attendees to watch a live stream of their circuit’s programs from their homes.
if this provision will be used in your circuit, the circuit overseer will provide further information to the elders.
Every person I have talked to about this subject believes the same thing. The Tower will be an online religion. ( 700-club )
No doubt there will be a "cost" involved for the stream. The Tower always finds ways to make a buck.
2021--january--s-147--english--announcements and reminders.
2021--january--s-147--german--announcements and reminders2021--enjoy life forever--english--16 pages2021--enjoy life forever--german--16 pageszipped folder atlantis!
You know, they say that 80 percent of the people out there are NOT aware they even have the virus. This would include the JW's.
So how are the JW's going to know if they are infected or not when they enter the so-called New System of things?
An "infected" New World, now there is a nightmare for you!
2021--january--s-147--english--announcements and reminders.
2021--january--s-147--german--announcements and reminders2021--enjoy life forever--english--16 pages2021--enjoy life forever--german--16 pageszipped folder atlantis!