The Watchtower—Study Edition | March 2021
Jehovah Will Protect You—How?
14 We also have the support of myriads of powerful angels. Think of what just one angel can do! (Isa. 37:36) Now consider what a mighty army of angels would be able to accomplish. No man or demon is equal to Jehovah’s powerful fighting force. It has been said that one faithful Witness plus Jehovah equals the majority. (Judg. 6:16) How true that is! Keep those thoughts in mind when you feel intimidated by something a workmate, a schoolmate, or an unbelieving relative says or does. Remember, you are not alone in this fight. You are following Jehovah’s direction.
According to this article, angels are ALWAYS beside you to help you confront workmates, schoolmates and unbelieving mates? This article doesn't really give any real answers on the methods angels use to protect us!
Do angels help you put on your seat belt when driving to work, Kingdom Hall meetings and/or field service? Do angels help you stay clear of automobile accidents? Do they help you with winter driving or really bad driving conditions?
Do angels make sure you make it to every Kingdom Hall meeting, help you raise your hand to participate at the meetings and put in your 10 hours of monthly field service?
Do angels help you with aggressive dogs or unsafe neighborhoods while out in field service?
Do angels give woman mental and physical strength to face an unbelieving husband who wishes to control and cause physical harm?
According to the Watchtower 2017 no. 5 article, angels have limitations, do not know everything, do right and wrong and even choose to rebel against God? How are they considered Jehovah's fighting force when they have just as many weaknesses as humans?
The Truth About Angels
Despite their higher mental and spiritual powers, angels have limitations, and there are some things they do not know.—Matthew 24:36; 1 Peter 1:12.
Angels were created with personalities, divine qualities, and free will. Hence, like humans, they can choose to do right or wrong. Sadly, some angels chose to rebel against God.—Jude 6.