This was posted many years ago by Randy Watters.
Here's a rare one you'll not find elsewhere, send it to your friends!
New Bethel Entrants Introduction to the Governing Body circa 1985. Two new Bethel boys at Watchtower headquarters somehow managed to videotape this introduction to the Brooklyn Bethel headquarters of the Governing Body off of the Bethel TV screen.
It shows all the main players in the scandal and dismissal of Raymond Franz and several others that were disfellowshipped from the Watchtower headquarters in 1979-1980.
Notice their REAL qualifications for leadership as God's only true organization out of their own mouths! At about the 4:30 minute point, Karl Klein says, "I've done a better job cleaning toilets than I did presiding at the Governing Body."
I wholeheartedly agree. None of these men had any trained qualifications for leadership in a worldwide organization of millions.
1985 Bethel Entrants Video