You are most welcome! Yippee! Blondie is with us again! She really came by to keep Grampa out of trouble!
Ok, hot coffee waiting for everybody!
several files in the folder including:.
2022-april-elders manual.. 2022 april addendum.
working together safely12 files total.
You are most welcome! Yippee! Blondie is with us again! She really came by to keep Grampa out of trouble!
Ok, hot coffee waiting for everybody!
request: what is the psg?
atlantis:can you tell me who the psg are within the watchtower organization?
i have never heard of them and i heard someone use those letters when they were talking to another exjw.-------------------------------------------my reply:the three letters: p s g, stand for: "property search group"download this file and type in the words: [property search group] in your pdf search window.
Request: What is the PSG?
several files in the folder including:.
2022-april-elders manual.. 2022 april addendum.
working together safely12 files total.
Good observation! Or, I would like to answer your question, but I have been told not to defend my faith! You see, our governing body members are a bunch of fat belly Scotch drinkers, and don't feel we need to defend our faith.
under the radar:
Yes, Petra is doing very well and now she is taking "medical" classes at a college over there. She will be helping her aunt who is a professor for female care. They do all sorts of things to help ladies recover who have been through rough times. They do the same things over here in the US, in private homes and shelters.
Ok my friend, what will it be? Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, or German cold beer? Your choice!
several files in the folder including:.
2022-april-elders manual.. 2022 april addendum.
working together safely12 files total.
You said it! This quote: "to refrain from defending your faith" is causing a lot of talk in the exjw community.
A lot of people noticed that statement right off the bat.
In other words: They have "no faith" to defend!
several files in the folder including:.
2022-april-elders manual.. 2022 april addendum.
working together safely12 files total.
You are very welcome!
2022--instructions for submitting a private accommodations offer.. 2022-"pursue peace”!-- 2022 convention of jehovah's witnesses.!.
Beth Sarim:
You are very welcome!
2022--instructions for submitting a private accommodations offer.. 2022-"pursue peace”!-- 2022 convention of jehovah's witnesses.!.
2022--Instructions for Submitting a Private Accommodations Offer.
several files in the folder including:.
2022-april-elders manual.. 2022 april addendum.
working together safely12 files total.
Thank you very much and your contributions are greatly appreciated!
We are glad you have returned to visit us once again. Thank you!
Come by more often and I'll try to have Bar-B-Que and cold beer ready for everybody. I better stock up on the garlic bread too. Garlic bread always goes good with BBQ ribs and chicken.
memorial is upon us and looking for material to fi my next video.i wonder if you can help.i know there is a loose connection between black mass and the memorial because both desecrate and disrespect the host but does any one know when the arrangement of passing the bread and the wine started and by whom?.
The Watch Tower 1880, April, pg.94 states that Russell and others, had been celebrating the Passover or Memorial for several years
prior to 1880. In 1880 they met in the home of W.H. Conley
It has for several years been the custom of many of us
here in Pittsburgh to do this; i. e., remember the Passover, and
eat the emblems of our Lord's body and blood, and it has ever
been an occasion of solemn pleasure and communion, and was
particularly so this year.
We met on the night of March 24th, as usual, at the house of Brother and Sister Conley (it being the most commodious) ; and ate together the unleavened bread-eating, meantime "the truth" which it symbolized, viz:
That Jesus was unleavened (without sin), holy, harmless, undefiled,
and therefore food "of which, if a man eat, he shall never die." We said, with Paul, "Christ, our Passover is slain; therefore, let us keep the feast."
This suggests that Russell felt he was of the anointed before the incorporation of the Watchtower Society in 1884. Russell and others felt of the anointed under the direction of W.H. Conley.
See the Red Boxes. Click the image to Zoom in.
randy's leaked bethel video, do you remember this post?.
if you have a copy of that video please send me a private message.
Very true!