First of all, the Watchtower can not make up its mind "when" they were actually inspected or found fit.
Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose, pg.22
For this reason 1879 was a turning point in the work. This little group, headed by C . T. Russell, had now been tested and had been found fit to undertake the great preliminary campaign leading up to the climax expected in 1914.
Scan: Click the image to Zoom in.
Then, other examples posted by "Alfred" years ago show the dates of 1918 and 1919.
In every case shown, whether it was 1879, 1918, or 1919, it was
the International Bible Students who were tested or inspected, not Jehovah's Witnesses. The name "Jehovah's Witnesses" for this group of people was not used until 1931.