Terry wrote an article about Spillane.
JoinedPosts by Atlantis
Famous jws. Mickey Spillane
by waton innot a song and dance, but graphic content, while we are at it with mj and cie. .
Atlantis! -
Michael Jackson Jehovah's Witness Thriller
by researcher1010 ini'm a reporter working on a series about michael jackson.
part of this series will look at his life as a jehovah's witness and his relationship to the faith.
i've already spoken to a few ex-witnesses and one elder who have explained jw 101 beliefs and teachings.
Awake 1992 article mentioned above.Ice-T
PrinceMadonnaClick the image to enlarge.Atlantis! -
Michael Jackson Jehovah's Witness Thriller
by researcher1010 ini'm a reporter working on a series about michael jackson.
part of this series will look at his life as a jehovah's witness and his relationship to the faith.
i've already spoken to a few ex-witnesses and one elder who have explained jw 101 beliefs and teachings.
Here you go, see if this will work for you!
See the bottom right of the second page.
Save me a slice of that Apple Pie! -
Michael Jackson Jehovah's Witness Thriller
by researcher1010 ini'm a reporter working on a series about michael jackson.
part of this series will look at his life as a jehovah's witness and his relationship to the faith.
i've already spoken to a few ex-witnesses and one elder who have explained jw 101 beliefs and teachings.
Hi there my friend! Sure, I'll get another link for you for a PDF. I'll be right back. In the meantime there is also this article.
Ice-TPrinceMadonnaMusic: Both rap and heavy metal music have recently come under increasing fire for similar content problems. Songs that glorify the sexual degradation and abuse of women, violence and hatred toward various races and policemen, and even Satanism have all been found among rap and heavy metal records. In some areas, records with such explicit material must carry warning labels. But as the rapper Ice-T reportedly admitted, he puts shocking lyrics in his songs just to earn such a label; it guarantees luring the curious. The rock star Prince sang the praises of brother-sister incest. Often, music videos simply give such crass immorality an added visual dimension. Pop star Madonna’s video Justify My Love won notoriety for portraying sadomasochism and homosexual activity. Even MTV, a U.S. TV channel known at times to broadcast immoral videos with little compunction, refused to air this one.Let me know if you need this article as well. No problem!Coffee Time! -
Michael Jackson Jehovah's Witness Thriller
by researcher1010 ini'm a reporter working on a series about michael jackson.
part of this series will look at his life as a jehovah's witness and his relationship to the faith.
i've already spoken to a few ex-witnesses and one elder who have explained jw 101 beliefs and teachings.
Michael Jackson Jehovah's Witness Thriller
by researcher1010 ini'm a reporter working on a series about michael jackson.
part of this series will look at his life as a jehovah's witness and his relationship to the faith.
i've already spoken to a few ex-witnesses and one elder who have explained jw 101 beliefs and teachings.
Watchtower Letter, 1987, June 8th.
Awake! 1984, Article starts at the bottom of the 2nd page.Highlighted:
“I Would Never Do It Again!”
In another popular video, Thriller, the
performer is seen to transform first into a
“cat person,” then a dancing “monster.”
Zipped folder.https://we.tl/t-IDb4HOuska
Grandpa! -
2022-07-01--Additional Contribution Box!
by Atlantis inthe watchtower wants more money!.
The Morning Star was given me last year - 'hidden manna' now available for your review
by JohnRossStar inhi - quite the introduction, huh?
so the 'morning star' is christ himself and he has guided my thinking and studies to uncover where exactly the wtb&ts went off track, offending jehovah greatly and causing him to 'abandon his sanctuary'.
i've posted the information on reddit jwexwatchtower - please study the articles carefully and put them to the test versus scripture.
They are doing wonderful things in therapy these days!
1,000 Years Well Spent 1942-1946--Ray Marsh!
by Atlantis in1,000 years well spent 1942-1946.. .
this booklet was written by ray marsh and others while inmates of chillicothe prison.
as jehovah’s witnesses, they refused to serve in the military during world war ii and therefore were sentenced to several years in prison.. .
All of you are always welcome! Drinks are on the house and the Bar-B-Que is almost ready! YUM! Bar-B-Que Ribs and Chicken! And don't forget to grab the extras! Garlic Bread, Buttered Corn on the Cob, Cole Slaw, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Blueberry Pie and Ice Cream, and of course hot Cappuccino! And don't forget to grab a shot of Booze! Lets see, we have Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Seagrams 7, Canadian Club, Captain Morgan Rum, and German Beer! That should do it!
1,000 Years Well Spent 1942-1946--Ray Marsh!
by Atlantis in1,000 years well spent 1942-1946.. .
this booklet was written by ray marsh and others while inmates of chillicothe prison.
as jehovah’s witnesses, they refused to serve in the military during world war ii and therefore were sentenced to several years in prison.. .
You are not alone! There are a lot of people who did not know this booklet existed.