Those are two excellent videos. Thank you!
this video documentary is worth a look..
here is another one worth watching .
Those are two excellent videos. Thank you!
i'm still trying to locate material for uncle b's research project.
i need scans of any anti-russell booklets, books, articles published between 1886 and 1904. can you help me?.
We have all of these but some of the booklets
i'm still trying to locate material for uncle b's research project.
i need scans of any anti-russell booklets, books, articles published between 1886 and 1904. can you help me?.
from time to time we do this vienne.
if grandpa wrote something that sounded uncomfortable or was too harsh, then you just let old grandpa apologize right up front with no questions asked.
Thank you Jan! Remember, you are loved and appreciated.
The Old-Timer! You know, I was drinking buddies with Moses!
from time to time we do this vienne.
if grandpa wrote something that sounded uncomfortable or was too harsh, then you just let old grandpa apologize right up front with no questions asked.
We love you vienne!
from time to time we do this vienne.
if grandpa wrote something that sounded uncomfortable or was too harsh, then you just let old grandpa apologize right up front with no questions asked.
I respect you, but your scold is misplaced. I will not argue the matter further.
from time to time we do this vienne.
if grandpa wrote something that sounded uncomfortable or was too harsh, then you just let old grandpa apologize right up front with no questions asked.
We love you all too! Some people feel that the members of this board are the only real family they have.
Their JW relatives have shunned them and make them feel as if they are not part of their family anymore.
Won't even talk to them on the phone.
What a terrible way to treat your own flesh and blood, just because of 8 pot-belly drunks at Watchtower Headquarters.
from time to time we do this vienne.
if grandpa wrote something that sounded uncomfortable or was too harsh, then you just let old grandpa apologize right up front with no questions asked.
When it comes to the "likes" clicker, just throw me another slice of that Dutch Apple Pie, and I'll know you sent a "like"!
Cold German Beer for everybody!
We men should tally up and send the ladies out for a "Ladies Night" so that they can entertain themselves.
And send Simon a case of ale too!
So many of you out there working your tails off to make ends meet and keep your nose above water. You deserve a break now and then too!
Cookie thief!
from time to time we do this vienne.
if grandpa wrote something that sounded uncomfortable or was too harsh, then you just let old grandpa apologize right up front with no questions asked.
From time to time we do this vienne. If Grandpa wrote something that sounded uncomfortable or was too harsh, then you just let old Grandpa apologize right up front with no questions asked. Let Grandpa say he is sorry and give you a big hug let you know how much you are loved and appreciated, and then walk you over to the table for a full course meal.
This goes out to every member of this board, because everyone here should feel loved and appreciated.
We do this to help keep peace on Simon's board, and it proves to the whole world that we do "not" think of ourselves as so high and mighty that we can't humble ourselves and apologize. No problem!
Exjws are "not" like the governing body who are not willing to say the two words (I am sorry for my error).
When you are finished with your meal you can go over to the easy chair, put your feet up, and watch cartoons. The cartoons seem to be the only thing on TV that makes any since these days.
Love you vienne!
If you would like to be on the email list just send me a private message and let me know where to send you the documents. We have been doing this for years, and we send out the documents to people all over the world including attorneys and the authorities.
Ok, let Grandpa shut up for now and let all of you know you are loved and appreciated!
14 document pack.
talk outlines in english and spanish, announcements, personal data information which includes:.
see document number 13instructions for use of personal datarefusal to sign notice and consent for use of personal data"the publisher should be informed that the congregation or branch office may not be able to evaluate his suitability to fulfill certain roles within the congregation or participate in many congregation activities, such as serving as a regular pioneer, a ministerial servant, or an elder. or!
Thank you everybody!
Drinks are on the house!