They also consider it a religious holiday.
JoinedPosts by SallySue
What will they say as to why they don't celebrate ThanksGiving??
by lavendar ini plan on inviting a close family member ..(who has been a jw for several years).. to share thanksgiving with us this year.
my husband and i have never been jws.
what exactly is a jw's reason for not taking part in thanksgiving??.
Excellent YouTube video for those raised in JW home (or any dogmatic faith)
by SweetBabyCheezits inthere are some really intelligent videos from users, qualiasoup, and his brother, theramintrees, on youtube.
this one tells an analogous story that deals with being raised in a religiously dogmatic household.....
Were You Good At Field Service?
by WalkTall ini used to be in awe at the jw's who were so good at the doors.
they were conversational, informative, and knowledgeable.
i sucked.
I loved feeling superior to the people at the door. I had the "truth" and they were just gonna be killed at Armageddon. When I look back at my attitude, I am ashamed...
JW's are NOT Dedicated to the ORGANIZATION!
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower society claims that jehovah's witnesses are not dedicated to the watchtower organization!.
this claim is made in the quotes below.. however, how can this be true, while at the same time, all jehovah's witnesses are baptized in the name of the "spirit-directed organization"?.
the watchtower, july 1st, 1970, page 404:.
No, they don't.
Bethelite at hall dedication, system may not last until "Deliverance Conv."
by daystar inthrough various contacts, i heard this was said by a good bethelite at a local hall dedication.
(i won't quote what was said... i don't want to give away my source.).
plans are being made to attend the deliverance convention in july.
I was told the end was close 65 years ago.... I would be petting lions any day...
Q is my all time favorite...
I would like to hear your experiences with being SHUNNED
by jwfacts ini am going to put together a page of short experiences of how shunning has affected exjws.
you do not have to be disfellowshipped, even if you were shunned after being marked or after fading.
all comments are welcome, such as who shunned you, how long since family have spoken to you, what your situation is, why you are being shunned and how it has made you feel.
When my Mother died, she left instructions that me, her only daughter, not be notified until weeks after. I was not even told she was ill and in the hospital. I was also not given even a spoon as a rememberance of her. She also left nothing to her only grandchild or great grandchildren. The Witnesses took care of everything and got everything. They are cold and heartless people.
Sola Scriptura
by dieselman inin response to yknot *** please note the wts doesn't believe in sola scriptura (bible understood alone by individuals), if you are 'lurker' and want to refute this fact, please start a new thread or feel free to pm me ...... (reproof will be accepted if you can show me my error of understanding on the matter).
in the words of the ethiopian "how can i," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?
" so he invited philip to come up and sit with him.
After careful study of the Bible a person would not become a Jehovah's Witness. The Ethiopian needed help understanding the Hebrew Scriptures as the Greek Scriptures were not even put together at that time.
Sola Scriptura
by dieselman inin response to yknot *** please note the wts doesn't believe in sola scriptura (bible understood alone by individuals), if you are 'lurker' and want to refute this fact, please start a new thread or feel free to pm me ...... (reproof will be accepted if you can show me my error of understanding on the matter).
in the words of the ethiopian "how can i," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?
" so he invited philip to come up and sit with him.
Sola scriptura (Latin ablative, "by scripture alone") is the doctrine that the Bible contains all knowledge necessary for salvation and holiness...
Just do JW's who became Catholics deal with the corrupt history of the church?
by gubberningbody ini don't get it..
You said a mouthful, "I quit!".