I do clear the search history and cookies already, I just wondered if he could get a list, like you can get a list of all phonenumbers that has been dialed.
Posts by filip
can my dad see what internet sites I have been to?
by filip inim aware that all pages are saved in this special folder, but i just delete it every time i have been on this site.
my question is, can my dad get a list from the internet company, that contains all the internet sites that have been visited for example the last month?
can my dad see what internet sites I have been to?
by filip inim aware that all pages are saved in this special folder, but i just delete it every time i have been on this site.
my question is, can my dad get a list from the internet company, that contains all the internet sites that have been visited for example the last month?
Im aware that all pages are saved in this special folder, but I just delete it every time I have been on this site. My question is, can my dad get a list from the internet company, that contains all the internet sites that have been visited for example the last month?
ARHG!! I cant stand it!
by filip ini know you all have adviced me just to keep low-profile and not bang out and tell my super-elder dad that i dont believe in his crap.
but i just cant stand it!
all around me everywhere i go theres this vomiting sense of thick jw-air.
Since I was a kid I have had a lot more headaches than the average. Now I dont have that many attacks, but I can use my headache as an excuse for going to the meetings. I actually coordinate it, like if I have been to the big meeting 2-3 times I can use my headche to not going for the next big meeting, without my dad getting suspicious.
But my dad would never allow to stay home just because "Im tired and sad".
Also, in Denmark you dont pay for going in any kind school - its actually the other way around. In Denmark YOU get payed to stay in school, but its not much though. Instead we almost 50% of our income in taxes.
ARHG!! I cant stand it!
by filip ini know you all have adviced me just to keep low-profile and not bang out and tell my super-elder dad that i dont believe in his crap.
but i just cant stand it!
all around me everywhere i go theres this vomiting sense of thick jw-air.
Gill, what you said is really meaningfull, since you have been in that same situation. The big problem is my dad. I think that if my dad wasnt around or if he was another person, my mom would not be in the trooth. She has a good heart, but shes spritually weak.
Actually a funny thing is, that I think that the reason why my eyes have opened so quickly, is because of my mom. She is VERY critical of the watchtower. She always have some critic to say if theres a new article or something. Shes one of the reasons why my eyes have opened to all the many, many flaws there is within the society. But she still believe in "the trooth".
But my dad is a completely another case. He LOVES to go to the meetings. Thats right. He actually enjoys it. He should have never had children, he should more have... I dont know, been in the military as a hard-ass general giving out orders. I used to be afraid of him. Now whenever were having a conflict I can stand up to him, not like when I was a little kid and almost crapped myself everytime I saw him.
My mom has before threatened to leave him and they have had a lot of big fights over the past years, so now hes kinder, sweeter and dont look like he wants to beat someone up. The only problem is that, now its too late. He wants soo bad to me friend, but now I wont. And that leads to a lot of conflicts sometimes.
I think that if I bashed out and told it to him right now to his face, it would end in an uncomfortable situation. But I cant live on a lie for so many years on, pretending Im still in "the trooth". I think that it might be better for them to slowly get used to me being more and more un-spiritual. Over the past months, my spiritual-barometer has dropped significantly, but without any big conflicts, cause it has all happened so slow.
Then some time from now, when I have slowly evolved into being "bad association", and my mom and dad are used to me being spritual weak, I can tell, and then perhaps it will be easier to accept. I'll let them know that the main reason why Im leaving the trooth, is not because I "want to taste the world", but because I dont believe in it.
But one things is for sure: I cant for so many years pretend that Im a good witness; I have only been completely "out" for a little month or two and I already cant stand it when my dad says to me: remember to pray your night-prair. Then how the heck am I supposed to last for 3-4 years!
Tell me what you people think about it.
ARHG!! I cant stand it!
by filip ini know you all have adviced me just to keep low-profile and not bang out and tell my super-elder dad that i dont believe in his crap.
but i just cant stand it!
all around me everywhere i go theres this vomiting sense of thick jw-air.
this morning I have just been out in field service, and I hate it. I couldnt hide that I was upset, but everyone just thought that I was tired (which I also was, because my dad dragged me out of bed like shit'o'clock).
No one thinks that I have drifted this far out of THE TRUTH. Im quite sure that my family and some other super-elders have noticed that maybe Im not as spritual as I could be, but NO ONE thinks that I have already left "the truth".
An ideal situation for me would be that I could tell my family that I dont believe in it, and they would accept and not turn their back on me, so I would first have to move away from home when I am ready.
I think its so unfair, if everyone would turn their back on me and not talk to me, as is the case with other people leaving the truth. Psycological its so hard to be "hated" like that. But its just another thing that convinces me that JW is a creepy cult, that I just need to get out of!
Its funny, right now my mom and dad are discussing downstairs very seriously about me being so negative this morning for going out in service. They make ME look like Im the bad one, for not jumping of joy everytime were going in service or to the meetings.
Oh yeah, btw Im happily not baptised so I wont get df'ed, wont I? Though my dad will loose "his privelige" as an elder. Oh I would love to see the look on his face when they say from the speaker that hes not an elder more...
ARHG!! I cant stand it!
by filip ini know you all have adviced me just to keep low-profile and not bang out and tell my super-elder dad that i dont believe in his crap.
but i just cant stand it!
all around me everywhere i go theres this vomiting sense of thick jw-air.
Yes, I can certainly sense bull-shit when I smell it.LOL
Well, Brad I wasnt thinking about start smoking or doing drugs. Its just another unneccesary addiction that keeps the body and brain in prison. Right now Im just enjoing the small things. For example just entering this site. When I first started reading here a month ago or so, I felt like I was selling my soul to satan... now I feel good about it.
The thing is I just cant move out right away as soon as Im 18. Then I would still have a year left of the danish college (yes, Im from Denmark, a little country next to Sweden). After that I need to find an apartment, get my economy straight and for all that Im gonna need help from my family.
So maybe i can move when Im 20 or so. If I left home already at 18, and my whole family then would turn their back to me I would be really f****d
Jehovah's Witness commercial?
by nicki23 inthis is my first post although i have been reading on this board for over a year now.
i just had to post because i saw the most unbelievable thing the other night - a commercial for jehovah's witnesses.
a couple nights ago i couldn't sleep and i turned on the tv.
Yeah, Ive seen that commercial too, but not on the TV, they actually showed it at the last assembley I was to a couple a months ago.
Its a commercial something similar to that video for young people that Watchtower sent out a couple years ago, I think it was called: "How to choose good friends," or something. They had set it up like something in The bold and the Beatiful, where this JW-girl gets tempted by the devil when she is sitting in this car next a guy who really wants to get in her pants.
Of course, she pass the test and everything end happily ever after. It was just really funny. You could just tell how bad the acting was, and it was really set in a "watchtower" way, just like that commercial.
ARHG!! I cant stand it!
by filip ini know you all have adviced me just to keep low-profile and not bang out and tell my super-elder dad that i dont believe in his crap.
but i just cant stand it!
all around me everywhere i go theres this vomiting sense of thick jw-air.
I know you all have adviced me just to keep low-profile and not bang out and tell my super-elder dad that I dont believe in his crap.
But I just cant stand it! All around me everywhere I go theres this vomiting sense of thick JW-air. Especially with this tsunami-incident; all I hear is: "Oh its a sign that the end is near and this and that, thats what Jesus that, that there would be earthquakes..." gees, if that makes me the son of god I can be pretty sure to predict that 2000 years from now, there will still be earthquakes, LOL
I have to go to the meetings 3 times a week! plus field service saturday morning! and all im thinking is, why do I have to do this when I dont even believe in it? its a waste time!
But I cant do anything, cause Im still only 15 so Im practically in prison until Im old enough to move away from home. Arghh! its a pain!
Do you tell your friends your were a JW?
by eljefe inlast night i was out with my friends and i ran into another ex-jw.
based on the conversation with this ex-jw, my friends could tell that i was hiding something.
i think i will have to tell my friends that i was a jw.
pretty much all my worldy friends knows that im in a JW-family. Now I have told all of them that I dont believe in that crap anymore. They think its cool. Its also a huge relief, because now I can finally explain to them the true reason why I always have avoided when they were inviting me to parties, or I avoided joining on school-trips, and why I could never stay the night at any of my friends.
All this time they have thought that I just didnt care about them and I wasnt very social, while the true reason was that my parents didnt allow me to spend that much time with "worldly" people. Well, they still dont allow me to do any worldly stuff, but now I just have that clear conscious to do whatever I want behind their back, without fearing that "GOD IS WATCHING".
Its good to be back!!
by ScoobySnax inblimey!
i got alot of catching up to do....... its only been 6 months, feels like a couple of years.
mind you, during that time, i have got married and my beautiful fillipino wife has had our 3rd baby.
you won £2.3 million!?