WHERE IS filip, anyways?
sorry I havent been here. I went to sleep at about page 7, and now its up on 12!
for the moment Im doing pretty good. Since last monday, me and my parents havent talked about me and my worries.
Filip, you have a PM
Do you mean, that YOU sent me a PM? Cause I havent got one from you in my inbox.
About sexual abuse: This is a topic we have long been talking about in our family, and I have always gotten the impression that all the statements about sexual abuse within the org. are false. Is that correct?
Also, my parents have always warned me, that if I ever would have any problems with them, I should NEVER go to the local communities, or my school counseler etc. cause they were afraid that the local comunities then would come and take me and my little brother away from them, as a result of them thinking my parents were treating me badly.
Can I seek the school counseler and talk with him about this, not being afraid that Im going to be removed from my family?