We have just gotten home from sunday-meeting, when my mom ask me if I believe in God and so on. So I tell her, cause you adviced me to be honest. And despite all my fears, she took it very calm, and then told my dad whos also taking it calm, and it doesnt seem like theyre hating me now or want to throw me out of the house.
The thing is. Im still very doubtfull. Constantly I think about if they ARE right, or everything is just rubbish. So we have been talking for an hour or so, just me and my mom. And all the time shes defending the trooth and coming with some good points, so I get all confused. One moment Im doubting and everything my parents and the people in the congregation says seems right.
The next moment Im convinced that there is no "trooth" and I dont believe in it. Im so confused, and were going to have a big talk later today. When my parents talk it just seems so convinsing, and when the people on this site talk, it also seems convinsing.