I will certainly post when the classes begin - end of March -
has anyone ever tried it and with what result?
i'm going to a class at the end of march and i am a little bit wary.
i mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons.
I will certainly post when the classes begin - end of March -
has anyone ever tried it and with what result?
i'm going to a class at the end of march and i am a little bit wary.
i mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons.
Thanks - I will look into that as well.
just curious...... where are some weird places you have seen watchtowers and awakes placed?
doctors offices and laundermats seem to be most popular, where else have you seen them placed ?
( i saw a bunch placed in a dumpster once!
I work for a whitewater rafting outfitter and they wanted to leave them in the lobby at our office one day when nobody wanted to accept them and the receptionist said no way!
as a jw.. i was good at that.. just say what is expected of me, what people want to hear until i lost my own ability to think for myself.. .
i find myself still doing that and it irks me !!.
avoid confrontation, just smile and agree with whatever to keep the peace.
I am that way too - candidly - I want to continue to be the quiet, meek type and not ruffle any feathers.
Someone told me the other day that I was too nice!! I told her I couldn't be mean to the person (the woman was scheduled to do a trade show this past weekend with me and canceled the day Before we were to leave, I had to scramble and find someone else!) I just said okay, to her reason and hung up. Of course, I wasn't the boss either. Just a go between. I don't think I'd ever make a good boss. I'd let someone walk all over me, cause I wouldn't want them to be mad at me!
has anyone ever tried it and with what result?
i'm going to a class at the end of march and i am a little bit wary.
i mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons.
Has anyone ever tried it and with what result?
I'm going to a class at the end of March and I am a little bit wary. I mean as witnesses we are told not to get hypnotized because that will let in the demons. But does it really?? I already paid for the class and am going with my boss and another employee from where I work. I think they would think I was crazy if I told them my concerns.
And do they really hypnotize you?? Or is just like a relaxing experience??
Any help would be great.
anyone here from nj, northern nj mostly (newark, elizabeth, linden, roselle)
Grew up in Central Jersey - East Brunswick Congregation - I'm not afraid to say it!
If your from that hall - 1980's to about 1991 - pm me~!
Well - i'm going to vote now - maybe I'll chat with you tomorrow when the girls perform!!
So votings for tonite for me are:
# 07 Blake Lewis
# 09 Chris Sligh !!!
# 11 AJ Tabaldo
# 12 and My favorite - Phil Stacey - he's easy on the eyes!!! too~
Ryan's joke - "He has the Britney Spears hairdo!" LOL
He is soooo gooood! I'm getting chills!!!