Yeah Right, sure you do.
JoinedPosts by jellybelly
Ozzie's 125th Weekend Poll
by ozziepost inso how's things?
been really humid in new south these past few days with afternoon storms.
right now the refreshing rain is falling and mrs ozzie and i are enjoying a(nother) box of ferrero rocher chocs.
2.The generation thing
7.what the elders said
5.what the elders did -
WTS Official Spin on monthly Awake: 'More emphasis on the Bible!'
by Neo inthe march 2005 kingdom ministry brings up a full article about the awake only being published once a month, starting january 2006. .
but the fun thing is the roundabout way this change is announced.
knowing that the news would be a bitter pill to swallow (there should be a 'speeding up' of the preaching work, not a downsizing), the watchtower only announces the move to monthly publishing by the end of the article.
It will be a considerable simplification in preparation, translation and delivery of our publications."
I think this is the clincher: This says it will save us considerable money and labour costs.
As far as the RV's go I think the publishers will visit once a month and deliver the 3 magazines at once. 2 Watchtowers and 1 AWAKE! for a contribution of $2 seems fair. Thats definately what I would do.
How did you feel about "apostates" when you were a devout JW?
by booker-t inwhen i was a devout jw i would literally look at "apostates" picketing the assemblies and want to spit at them because i hated them that much and felt that they were of satan.
i remember one time i saw an "apostate" walking from the assembly and a friend of mine an myself were actually talking about confronting him and telling him off.
i just cannot believe how much i hated "apostates" when i was a jw.
I thought they must be completely nuts, i couldnt imagine why they would stand out at assemblies and hand out fliers and hold up pickets. But I was also curious. They must have a reason I thought.
Brother Michael called.....
by jellybelly inwe had a phone call yesterday, after being "inactive" for 6 years.
not having attended a meeting in 4 years, we get a call saying they are concerned that they had heard we believe in evolution.
my partner said "not necesarily believe in it, im just not discounting it at this time.
Brother Michael called.....
by jellybelly inwe had a phone call yesterday, after being "inactive" for 6 years.
not having attended a meeting in 4 years, we get a call saying they are concerned that they had heard we believe in evolution.
my partner said "not necesarily believe in it, im just not discounting it at this time.
Here is the reply I have written to my mum:
I was wondering if you could just clarify some of the things you said in your letter I have cut and pasted your words and they are in blue.
If you remember when Jesus was on the earth the disciples thought the kingdom was coming at that time, even Peter fought when they came to arrest Jesus, cutting off the ear of the high priest He even denied Jesus 3 times but was not rejected by Jehovah because of that. The same today, Jehovah's organisation does make mistakes as it is imperfect but when you examine their teachings from the bible you cant fault them.
You say here we should forgive the organisation for their faults and mistakes, this group of people who are Jehovahs earthly representatives. First up I am wondering who they are, who is on the governing body today, who is the faithfull and discrete slave, who writes the articles for the magazines, how do they make the decisions on what to print and when to release it? Are they inspired to write these articles or are they guided by god in any way? Can you find out for me and tell me where I can look up this information? How many of the remnant are left? Is this number growing or dropping? Remember the book is closed now.
Secondly if you denied the organisation 3 times as Peter did Jesus, you would be disfellowshipped in a flash, yet Jehovah did not reject Peter. If you question the organisation in any way, you will be disfellowshipped and labelled apostate.
Also the bible says that the truth would get brighter and brighter so things would gradually be revealed as time went on. Maybe Jehovah allowed the date in 1975 for a reason. A lot of people fell away afterwards, perhaps they were only concerned for themselves and didnt love Jehovah
It says the truth would get brighter mum, not that old truth would prove to be completely wrong and they would do an about face as they have with the generation that will not pass away. Jehovah does not lie remember, so why would he lie about 1975? Or about the generation that would BY NO MEANS pass away before all these things occur. Its now 2005, if you were BORN in 1914 you would now be 91. Yet I remember when the teaching was that those old enough to UNDERSTAND what was occurring in 1914 would be the generation that would BY NO MEANS pass away. They are pretty well all dead now. In fact if they were 10 years old in 1914 they are now 101.
Just because there has been a change of thinking on the time of the end doesnt change the fact that the end will come in this generation.
Now this new thinking on the generation, what is it? The generation definately began in 1914 didnt it? So which generation is it? It is a 'contemporary people of a certain historical period.' What does that mean? Are they now disregarding 1914 as the beginning of 'this generation'? Surely not, so what does it mean? People who see any of the signs perhaps? So someone who is 10 years old today could see out this system of things? What about people who are 10 years old in 2040 when the signs of the end are continuing? Or did 'this generation' really begin in1914? so that makes them 91 years old. Can you find out the answer to this for me as I think this is certainly affecting my faith in the organisation.
The following is straight from the societies web site why haven't they updated it with the new light?:
How long a time period would these last days prove to be? Jesus said regarding the era that would experience the "beginning of pangs of distress" from 1914 onward: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." ( Matthew 24:8 , 34-36 ) Thus, all the features of the last days must take place within the lifetime of one generation, the generation of 1914. So some people who were alive in 1914 will still be alive when this system comes to its end. That generation of people is now very advanced in years, indicating that there is not much time left before God brings this present system of things to an end.
Could you please read 2 Peter chapters 2 & 3.
Yes I will.
I only wished you had done your study by reading the bible instead of going to apostates to get your infomation.
Except for the bit on the UN all of the stuff I have sent you were direct quotes from the societies publications or were questions I had, which you havent answered by the way. Also I have read the bible twice since not having attended any meetings.
I feel that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent, you are being deceived by the 'seed of the serpent', who are all on Satan's side and are out to turn all people from serving Jehovah and to put doubts in their mind about Jehovah's earthly organisation.
Well thats OK because that is what you are told to believe and I forgive you for it. The truth is that I have never been so happy, so content, so at peace with myself and felt so much love and compassion for others. When I was in the "truth" I felt only fear, unhappiness, distrust and conditional love. I remember that fear that everyone else was under Satans control. Its very strong and mind numbing and stops you from thinking logically.
We are deep in the end of this system as you can see by the events happening world wide. The bible says that Jehovah is not slow as respecting his promise but desires all to attain to repentance. So we should be glad he hasnt brought the end yet. By studying the way Jehovah has treated events in the past we can see how events will unfold in the future.
A few more questions: When did this system start? If we are deep in the end of it, how long may the end continue? Does it matter? Who is the faithfull and discrete slave class? How much longer can they continue? What happens when all of the remnant die out? Or will there be "New Light" then as well?
can anyone add to this or critique it for me?
Brother Michael called.....
by jellybelly inwe had a phone call yesterday, after being "inactive" for 6 years.
not having attended a meeting in 4 years, we get a call saying they are concerned that they had heard we believe in evolution.
my partner said "not necesarily believe in it, im just not discounting it at this time.
I am thinking of writing a letter of disassociation, I just dont want to deal with all of this anymore, the finality would be much more acceptable. Does anyone have a link to some good disassciation letters? Or shall I just write it from my heart?
I am just sad to leave my mum behind but I am going to reply to this letter and see if she can understand her faulty reasoning. I hope she will see but she is so indoctrinated I am not sure there is much hope.
Brother Michael called.....
by jellybelly inwe had a phone call yesterday, after being "inactive" for 6 years.
not having attended a meeting in 4 years, we get a call saying they are concerned that they had heard we believe in evolution.
my partner said "not necesarily believe in it, im just not discounting it at this time.
here's a letter I just got from my mum
Howdy ........., Im extremely sorry that ............has been disfellowshipped. His mother mentioned to me that he was saying things totally against what the bible said so I guess in a way I expected it. Its not quite true about the witnesses not having anything to do with you as I know that an elder visited you at the caravan park and ............ told him that you all didnt want anything more to do with the truth. Therfore they would have been following his wishes. I know a lot of people have asked me how you are what you are doing, so they have been concerned about you both.
I have been wanting to talk to you for a while about your stand because you did dedicate your life to Jehovah and have now become inactive. ................ told his Mother that you beleive the same as he does. I cant imagine that being true with the study you have done with the bible.
Also I feel you may have been looking into apostate material with the info you sent me regarding the society. What hope do these people hold out for the future? I notice they mainly attack the organisation which being imperfect will make mistakes. If you remember when Jesus was on the earth the disciples thought the kingdom was coming at that time, even Peter fought when they came to arrest Jesus, cutting off the ear of the high priest He even denied Jesus 3 times but was not rejected by Jehovah because of that. The same today, Jehovah's organisation does make mistakes as it is imperfect but when you examine their teachings from the bible you cant fault them. Also the bible says that the truth would get brighter and brighter so things would gradually be revealed as time went on. Maybe Jehovah allowed the date in 1975 for a reson. A lot of people fell away afterwards, perhaps they wereonly concerned for themselves and didnt love Jehovah.
Just because there has been a change of thinking on the time of the end doesnt change the fact that the end will come in this generation. Could you please read 2 Peter chapters 2 & 3. I only wished you had done your study by reading the bible instead of going to apostates to get your infomation.
I feel that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent, you are being deceived by the 'seed of the serpent', who are all on Satan's side and are out to turn all people from serving Jehovah and to put doubts in their mind about Jehovah's earthly organisation. We are deep in the end of this system as you can see by the events happening world wide. The bible says that Jehovah is not slow as respecting his promise but desires all to attain to repentance. So we should be glad he hasnt brought the end yet. By studying the way Jehovah has treated events in the past we can see how events will unfold in the future.
Is anyone on this forum disfellowshipped?
by Kimmee inand if you are do you care to tell why you are disfellowshipped?
for those who were not what prevented you from being disfellowshipped?
curious minds want to know.
Im not DA'd or DF'd but my partner was recently here is the link
Im not sure whether to let seeping dogs lie or write a letter and say I want to have a discussion with the elders about my doubts. I could just write a letter but Id like to provide a good 'witness' to them. lol
An Astrologer's fascinating take on the Asian Earthquake and Tsunami......
by Sunnygal41 infor those who are interested in this sort of thing, i'm posting the article!
by maya del mar.
no bodies turn retrograde this month, and only one is traveling retrograde?saturn.
funkyderek, you are a hotty!