Agree JWs are not Christains! That religion is a cult! I know there are sincere people in it and that is a shame.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
JW's are not Christians
by Witch Hunter ini've noticed on this forum that a fair few ex-jw's still refer to the members of the non-christain cult known as the jehovah's witneses as christians.
im aware that current members may wrongly believe they are in fact christians because the organisation leads them to believe they are serving god.
but for ex-members who are awake to the false teachings of this non-christain organisation, i thought they may be more prudent in their choice of words, and not refer to them as christians.
Jesus Christ! Is this a contradiction?
by observador inthe other day while rereading the scriptures about the last supper, i spotted something that is very interesting.. mathew 26:23 reads:"in reply he said: "he that dips his hand with me in the bowl is the one that will betray me.".
the above doesn't make much sense to me because it implies that one would have to give himself away by doing exacly what jesus said the betrayor would do.
now, look at how john words the same event in john 13:26:"therefore jesus answered: "it is that one to whom i shall give the morsel that i dip".
Whyamihere, my thoughts exactly.
Does Anyone Really Celebrate The Last Supper As Commanded In The Bible?
by adelmaal ini know the jws try but imho they miss the mark because they do not all partake, as described in the bible, and they do not do the foot washing as commanded in those verses as well.
i am hard pressed to find a religion that actually does "do this in remembrance of me" as explained in the bible accounts by jesus.
does anyone know if there is a religion that tries to re-enact the event as it is described in the bible?
Not me, I believe that was for the early Christains only. I may be wrong but that is what I believe.
The Last Days
by homme perdu indid the last days begin after jesus' death and continues today.
because i am starting to believe that.
i dont believe in 1914 or that israel becoming a nation started the last days as believed by many fundamentalist.
I don't believe in 1914 either but I think Hebrews 1:2 is talking about the last days of the Jewish system which came to an end in 70 C.E. At Matthew 24 when Jesus was giving the early Christains the signs to look for, He said at verse 34 "THIS generation will by no means pass away till all these things are fullfilled." He was talking to them and when he said "This generation" they knew he meant their generation. Society tries to make it look like everything has a greater fullfillment but no where does Jesus say it does. Verse 14 where Jesus said "The good news will be preached in all the earth", At Colossians 1:23, Paul said it had been done.We are not obligated to preach but to keep the two greatest commandments. Jesus said if we do this we will get life.[Luke 10:25-28] I am not saying this is right but it is what I believe is right. I never believed it mattered when the last days begin.
JWs and Independent thinking
by JW Ben injws and independent thinking
this line of thought is often based on watchtower (wt) articles such as ?.
From such articles it has been assumed and spread around That JWs muat believe everything they are told as published in the Watchtower
JW, I was in that cult and I know they have to accept what the Watchtower says. You can not disagree with them or they label you an Apostate.They put that label on you to scare others so they won't speak to you.I do not agree with 1914 or 607 because those are lies and you and some of the other elders know it.Now read Rev.22:15 and see what happens to those who lie and those liking a lie.Your own litature is your worse enemy.They have givin so many false dates for the end of the world and in one of the Watchtowers they say"In times past there have been those who have givin certain dates as to the end of the world and nothing happened. Why? What was missing? Missing was evidence they had God's backing. They are guilty of false prophesying." The insight book Vol.2 page33 "Those who prophesy falsely in God's name have to account with him."They done this forseveral years. Look on the inside coer of the Awake mag. from March 1988 to Oct,1995 they say" The Creator PROMISES the new world would be here BEFORE the generation of 1914 passes away." If God had promised that, it would have happened, They lied .Also in the Watchtower May1'1982 page15 they say "Jesus promises the 1914 generation will not pass away."
the "Annointed" are the ones writting the publications and if they are annointed with God's sprit, they wouldn't be telling so many lies.Our Kingdom ministry 1968 page 4 says"In view of the short peroid of time.... majority of people living today will be alive when armagaddon breaks and THERE ARE NO RESURRECTION HOPES FOR THOSE DESTROYED." They sure never read that in the Bible. Sounds like they think they are the ones who say gets life and not God. Our Kingdom ministry June 1969 p.3 says"In view of the short time left, a descision to pursue a career in this system of things is not only unwise but extremely dangerous."What a lie! The Watchtower Society is run by Apostates and Elders like you are no better.
What Are Things Jehovah's Witnesses Won't Tell You???
by minimus inprospects are told that jws are the "happiest people on earth".
They don't tell you, you are not allowed to think for yourself.They say and you do.
Neo-Babylonian Chronology and the Egibi Business House
by VM44 ini am somewhat shocked right now, although i know i probably should not be, i will explain in this post later.. .
all this information is contained in carl olof jonsson's excellent book, the gentile times reconsidered, 4th edition, pages 122-125.. .
it turns out that throughout the neo-babylonian time frame, a business firm named the sons of egibi conducted business, and left some three or four thousand record tables contained in earthen jars covered with bitumen.. .
Scholar, You have to know by now how wrong that organization is.Their own literature is their worse enemy.How many times have they gave certain dates for the end of the world and yet you and some other elders cover for their lies.You are no better than what you represent! Sept.15,1983,page 9 says"JWs are not disciplesof man or an"off shoot of any one church." That is a lie because they got the 1914 from seventh day adv. An 1894 july15, watchtower says"1914 is the end of the time of trouble,these are God's dates not ours."The insight book vol.2 page 33says "Those who prophesy falsely in God's name have to account to him." They have prophesied in God,s name many years. Look inside any Awake mag.on the inside cover, from march 1988-Oct.1995.Then read Deut.18:21-22.I could give you tons of their lies but you are probably as familiar with them as I am. One last scripture and my favorite for WTS is Rev.22:15.
If you could give me "only one" reason why not to be in the truth..........
by ButtLight inwhat would it be?
Jesus said "I am the way and the truth" so follow him not Watchtower Society! There is no reason NOT to be in the "truth" if you follow Jesus.
What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have Right OR Wrong?
by Flash inbiblicaly speaking that is.
we know their cult mentality with all its manipulation tactics and abusive authority is wrong.
but as far as their understanding of the bible, what do you believe they have right or wrong?.
I believe they have these things right:
Flash, sounds like you agree tooooooooo much with that cult? I believe only what I read in the Bible. God and Jesus are not the same. Matthew 24:3-51 was fullfilled upon the early Christains.That was a great tribulation that fell upon Jerusalem and verse 21, Jesus said there would not occur another great tribulation. So I don't believe there will be another one.Ecclesiastes 12:13 says the whole obligation of man is to "Fear God and keep his commandments." and that is what Jesus at Matthew 19:16-19 when someone ask him what he needed to do to get life.All we can do is live our life the best we can and what happens will happen. No one can know the outcome but God so I don't care what an organization says.
After all the wts crap, do any of you still believe in Jehovah?
by ButtLight ini have learned alot about the wts.
and disagree with allot of it.
but i still believe in jah.
I believe in God but thinking his name is Yahweh not Jehovah. Society even admits Yahweh is more proper than Jehovah. This is in their "Let your name be santified" book and their large print Bible.But they keep lying and saying it's Jehovah but what's one more lie?