Frannie, I feel exactly the same about religion. After leaving the cult, I looked into the Bible a little more and found you don,t need to belong to a religion to have a relationship with God.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
There actually is ONE thing I can thank the WTS for.............
by Frannie Banannie ini finally figured out that there is one thing i can thank them for.
you see, because they are so rigid, dogmatic and unmerciful in their teachings, doctrines and practices, when i finally realized they are wrong, it made me begin to examine the alleged holy scriptures authored by religious leaders from the past and to finally see that it's all man-made.
when i believed strongly in bible writings, my view of reality was skewed effectively as a consequence.
WTS web article: Is the Work of Jehovah's Witnesses Propagandistic?
by M.J. insee:
notice how in this article they redirect their own question!
of course their organization doesn't spread propaganda for jews, communists, or american imperialists!
M.J. Their own magazine [Awake June 22, 2000] says" Do not be a victim of propaganda. Education SHOWS you how to think. Propaganda TELLS you what to think. Propaganda DISCOURAGES discussion. Education PRESENTS ALL sides of an issue. So, YES is the answer.
Basic Doctrines
by mystified ini have not read the other posts yet.
i'm assuming, before reading, that this an anti-jehovah's witness site.
i would just like to make a couple of points, and would be interested in responses to them.
Mystified, You said "Jesus' followers were always treated with disrespect" that was so true at the time Jesus said that. You said Matthew describs the "last days" "you will be hated of all nations for my name's sake" that was also true during the early Christian time. That same chapter at verse 34 Jesus said THIS generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." Verse 3 shows he was talking to his disciples so they understood he meant their generation since Jesus never said it had a greater fullfillment. You said Christendom clergy stated "we do not advocate a theocracy" but the Watchtower Society does and they are far from it. You said Daniel 2: 44 that "Daniel spoke of God's King taking all the world Kingdoms and establihing his own" After describing each of these Kingdoms verse 44 says "And in the days of THOSE Kings the God of Heaven will set up a Kingdom" So I believe God's Kingdom was set up back then. You said "If you are a member of a Church of Christendom, you are well aware that they claim to be Bible based." Watchtower Society does to. Where were their Bible bases on 1914, 1918. 1925, 1975 for just a few. [that should raise questions] You ask what do you think of what I just posted? Not much.
Getting married in the kingdom hall ( ..."have you had sex?")
by slimboyfat in.
we plan to get married in the kh in the autumn.
will the elders quiz us as to whether we have had sex beforehand?.
Slimboyfat, I am pretty sure they will. Here in Texas they do because I know of some who were ask.
Awake "the generation of 1914 will not pass away,the Creator's promise" ???
by run dont walk inwe all know this phrase very well from the masthead of every awake magazines from 1983 - 1995.. my question is ... exactly how long did this run, and why was it stopped in the 1980's as well of course in 1995. in coc it says it ran from 1988 - 1995, when i was home last summer had a chance to look at some old bound volumes, and i know it was in as early as 1983, i have heard that it was taken out in 1987 and put back in about a year later in 1988, is this true,.
can someone look through their bound volumes and figure out exactly how long this ran, and was it taken out for a little bit, and what replaced it, in 1987 and 1995.. also what did it say before this staement was ever printed back in the early 80's or late 70's,.
thanks, sorry i dont have a cd-rom or bound volumes to look it up myself
run don't walk, this is what I have on the generation of 1914. From March 1988 until Oct. 1995 was the Creator's promise and then in November 1995 it stated "this mag. builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peacefull and secure new world that is about to replace the present,wicked system of things." I thought this article in the Watchtower 1981-1 -15 fit that organization, it stated "Another instance in which we need to swallow our pride is to admit a mistake when we have made one. When we find out we really didn't no what we were talking about, the wise course to take is to admit it to others who may be affected by it."
I left!!!!
by Hawkeye inthis is my first posting on jwd!
i wrote out my disassociation letter.
i am sending many in the congregation copies of my letters exposing the fine "elders".
Welcome Hawkeye, It's always "good news" when someone wakes up. It took me too long to realize what a mistake I made.
Matthew 24;14--any thoughts?
by Hannah infirst of all, i would like to introduce myself to all of you.
i am new to this board--so hello everyone!
jws are always quoting matthew 24:14 to support their preaching efforts and push their member for more hours (where in the bible is that anyway?).
Hannah, Matthew 24: 3-51 was fullfilled during the life time of Jesus' diciples. Jesus said "Truly I say to you that THIS generation will by no means pass away untill all these things occur." [Matthew 3 ; 34 ] Who was he talking to? Matthew 24:3 shows he was talking to his diciples. So they understood it meant their generation. The preaching of the good news was fullfilled before 70 C. E. At Colossions 1: 23 Paul said it had been preached "in all creation." So as verse 3 says " the end would come after it had been preached It did in 70 C.E. Now the Watchtower Society wants you to believe it had a greater fullment but no where did Jesus say it did. Where did they read it at in the Bible if it does? Hope this helps you to see the preaching work is not binding on us today.
Wonder their reaction
by FallenOne ini am moving soon to pennsylvania and no one will know i live there.
i've always had a great desire to play some tricks on the poor jabba's witnesses stuck out in street work and liven up thier drab routine.
here are some thoughts, what would your reaction be.. .
These people are to be pitied, and helped out of the cult if we can.
I agree with you Jeff. Pretend you don't know anything and ask them to do some research on something and they might see the truth then.
When do you think WTBS became a cult?
by lighthouse1956 inmost believe it was rutherford took over, any ideas?
It was defnitely a cult from the beginning...
I agree Wild Thing because from the beginning they said the World would end in 1914. They have never been right and never will be.
One Scripture that proves WTS false and how
by crazies inlist one verse or verses that can prove wts false and how.
i'll start:.
(matthew 24:23-28) 23 "then if anyone says to you, look!
Luke 21 : 8 "....many will come on the basis of my name saying, I am he" and," the due time has approached." Do not go after them. The KJs Bible will say "The time is at hand."