pjschipper this is what I think of your thoughts.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
Help needed - Surviving Armegeddon
by Iwonder17 inwhat is the most recent wt that states that only jw's will survive armegeddon?
i can't find it anywhere.
i thought it was in 2004. thanks !.
Help needed - Surviving Armegeddon
by Iwonder17 inwhat is the most recent wt that states that only jw's will survive armegeddon?
i can't find it anywhere.
i thought it was in 2004. thanks !.
pjschipper this is what I think of your thoughts.
Needed 05-15-09 wt
by studier ini am somehow missing the may edition of the 'study issue' in my collection.
if anyone could pm me or post a link i would be extremely grateful.. .
Oct. 15 Watchtower , Heard it was to be studied in Dec. is about helping Christ's Brothers . One way was by supporting the preaching work and making contributions to the World wide work. Be friends with Christ by supporting "the Faithful Slave class."
Are we following men?
by jookbeard inschipper, you never answered the post's on your previous topic, and you go and open another topic, go back to your previous topic please.
The WTS and it's members inability to face it's past/history, funny?
by jookbeard ina recent little debate with a couple of recent posters on here i was accused of constantly referring to the past / history of the wts, even to the extent of it being of little importance to them because of the advancement that the wts has made up until this present day , and that they made mistakes, so did the apostles, and we humbly admitted these mistake's etc, the thing is i love studying the history of the wts, it's failed prophecies/blatant lies/flip flop in doctrine, the outright crazy claims, the organ transplant ban, the persecution of their own brothers in malawi, there help for their brothers in mexico, yet at virtually the same time condemning those brothers to murder/rape/kidnap/false imprisonment etc, so folks, you will be seeing a lot more examples of wts history, i'll keep it coming, because the final conclusion will be that the wts is not the channel that jerkhobah uses on earth, and it truly is an apostate!.
Jookbeard Just keep it coming, I like the Watchtower July,1973 "Showing respect for life" "Is making weapons for destruction consistent with doing good toward all? Would your conscience permit you to share in producing weaponry?" Yet the Watchtower Society owns 50% of a company that makes War weapons.
If the WTS is not a False Prophet, what is it? surely the Bible identifies them as Apostates
by jookbeard inthrough out the wts history it has claimed to be the only channel that god has selected to be his mouthpiece on earth, it calls itself ; the greater david, the jonnadab class, the faithful and discreet slave, the elijah class, the fulfillers of trumpet blasts in revelation, so on and so forth.
yet from it's inception by ct russel it promoted a unique brand of biblical beliefs that were meant to be accepted as bible truth, 1799 1874/1914, miracle wheat, the pleiades star constellation, the occult content found in the studies in the scriptures/divine plan of the ages etc, would jesus himself have selected a religious group who were promoting such beliefs?
impossible, also russel was embroiled in a serious sex scandal that was never satisfactorily answered.. the reign of joe rutherford whose first proclamation was to announce that he had served as a district judge, which was shown to be a lie, he went on to build beth sharim a luxurious house in expectation of the resurrection to earth of the faithful worthies , a failed prophecy that surprisingly failed to come true.
Deuteronomy 18:21-22 idenifies them as being a False Prophet.
Are 800 new JWs really baptised per day?
by losthusband ini came across the quote below on a yahoo answers page discussing the growth of religon:.
i'm one of jehovah's witnesses and on average every day 800 people are baptized as jehovah's witnesses.
these are individuals who have studied the bible for a period of time and have to show that they understand, truly believe and want to live by god's standards.
sspo is right, most are kids who do not know enough about the Bible but they get Baptised because some of their friends did. When my 11 year old grandson's friend got baptised, an elder ask him "When are you getting baptised?" They have to keep every generation going so they can continue on with their lies.
Back Again about Disfellowshipment.... Please Help!!
by Butterflyleia85 inok so i'm doing alot better by going on this website and message board... everyone is so incouraging and wise!
i'm really happy but struggling.. i look at this website and i am down again..... http://www.watchtower.org/e/19880415/article_01.htm.
if someone can pick at this and help me deal with being disfellowshiped please do so.... i know alot of you are going to be like duh will don't go to jw website or stay away from it.
Butterfly, BE happy you are not in. Enjoy your life now. The Watchtower Society is a fraud. Their own litature is against them Dec. 1,1981 Watchtower says"No where did Jesus instruct Christains to persecute,imprison, assault,or take mod action against those who disagree with them" Yet if you disagree with the Society(even if your right) you will be labeled an "Apostate." May-1974 pg.3 Kindom Ministry "Reports are heard of Brothers selling their Homes and properties and plan to spend the rest of their days in this old system in pioneer servce.This is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world ends." They had predicted an end to the world in 1975. And a lot of years before then.
Oct.15th WT- " Wanna Be Jesus Friend? Have to Support the Faithful Slave"
by flipper inunder the study article " you are my friends " ( indicating jesus naturally by his quote ) the wt society makes it very clear that the only way to be jesus friend is to come through them or else you won't be approved by jesus or god.
translation : friendship with jesus = treating the " faithful slave " kindly = jesus approving you.
our jw relatives will be studying this in december at their meetings.. under the subheading on pg.
Thanks so much for ths info. Have a grandson who is in and listening to me.
I have a little announcement to make.
by JWoods injwoods is sixty years old this morning.. btw, the actual name is james.
james woods.
my old logon would not work, so i had to make another..
Happy Birthday