I'm definitely not, that is one feature of Jehovahs Witnesses that I don't like (read my bio).
Each to their own.
I'm definitely not, that is one feature of Jehovahs Witnesses that I don't like (read my bio).
Each to their own.
many of you know that since i am d/a, i have'nt spoken to my jw dad in about 3 years.
well, he is trying to make contact with me, he and my sister had lunch the other day.
he said he has been trying to get in touch with us for about 6 months.
Yeah, a letter sounds good; that way you control what is said and read. You might also want to encourage him to write back as opposed to calling at first, that way, if you don't like what is being said, you don't have to read it (or at least you don't have to deal with it in a confrontational environment). You should tell him the basis on which you would like to resume (as far as possible) a father/daughter relationship at the outset - no room for confusion and honest.
lets just spare a thought for the tiny tots and older kids who won't be enjoying any christmas festivities this year.
no parties, no presents, no santa, no fun, no carols no anything.
it's a damned shame that kids miss out so much.
Yeah, I must admit, negotiating my way around the questions at Christmas time was a pain in the arse. It was the look of disbelief on everyones face when you told them. Then the logical follow up questions ... 'What about birthdays?' ... 'What about Easter?'.
Still not that big on Crimbo though, force of habit I suppose, but then, I don't see why I should stop believing in one religion and just default to celebrating parts of another. Having said that, it's not really about religion anymore for most people, is it (rhetorical).
Ah, what the hell ... where's my party hat? What do you mean I'm too early?
this may seem a bit audacious for a newbie, but who is this forum for and has it diversified from its original conception?
the reason i ask: i was reading through some of the early posts on the forum and it seemed pro jehovahs witness, almost like a resource for active jws to use, however, the gist i get now is it is anti jw and pro apostate.
or maybe i have cherry picked the wrong topics?
This may seem a bit audacious for a newbie, but who is this forum for and has it diversified from its original conception?
The reason I ask: I was reading through some of the early posts on the forum and it seemed pro Jehovahs Witness, almost like a resource for active JWs to use, however, the gist I get now is it is anti JW and pro Apostate. Or maybe I have cherry picked the wrong topics?
I suppose Simon would be the man to ask, but even some of the older members could shed some light on how the forum has progressed over the years.
In any case, thanks for the forum Simon.
ME TOO!!!!
I love the new Mustang, especially the GTR Concept, piccy here ↓
Ain't that just SWEET, mmmm. Suit me perfectly. I have it as my desktop wallpaper, if anyone wants it here's the link:
I don't care who or what you worship ... pray that they make this car!
in a recent thread someone said that bagpuss was a good name but didn't know what it meant.. bagpuss was a character from a childrens programme in the 1970s and is becoming popular again now.
i chose this name as like bagpuss i am soft,cuddlyand loyal, but will get the claws out when needed.. why did you choose your 'alias' and what does it tell me about you?
Why Groovycat? ... Haven't you seen my photo?
Nah, it's a name I was given on account of 'gravel dancing' in a car park to The Prodigy one, very, very drunken night.
Name stuck, and I use it on other forums.
my married daughter is a jw and lives a considerable distance from me.
not having a lot of contact with her because of the organization's policies, i was unaware of her interest in poetry.
she submitted a piece which was published in a poetry book recently and i got a copy of the book.. the only thing is, i do not know what the meaning might be in the words, and if they relate at all to her witness upbringing or not.
Hey Outaservice
I'm not really up on poetry, but I think you could probably read alot into what she has said. Unfortunately, it could be read into in a number of ways, which doesn't help. It does seem however, that (now I know this is poetry) it is quite cryptic and muted, for me, that translates as wanting to speak out about something, but not being able to. I think it's about doing what was expected of her even if she didn't understand it, having to ignore contradiction, and having a general disarray of thoughts. I think she regrets her forgotten thoughts which are, no doubt, something to do with you. I think she feels she can't speak to anyone that will understand, and that, on reflection, her life hasn't been so bad, so she is just living with it 'because that's the way it is'. I think she is at a bit of a loss.
Generally, I would say she is confused and unhappy. Sorry.
But hey, it is poetry, and it can mean a completely different thing for each reader, this one (I think) depends on what information you are privvy to before hand.
One thing for sure though, It's got you thinking, so you'll just have to ask her.
Good luck.
why are jw's so haughty about the bible?
having to deal with my dad and my brother any question you raise to them they act like your an complete a##hole.
do you look back now and see how awful you acted?
A complete intolerance of anything that is not JW friendly - talk about blinkered and brainwashed. Really pi$$e$ me off.
I was never of the over zealous type, but knew plenty of them. Even now - ten years after (was that not a band?) I left - speaking to some of my relatives, they still try to get a snippet in to a conversation.
I suppose it's all down to human nature; if you really believe something, you want others to know. Not that I'm defending them, but how many of you would like to convince every JW you know about the real truth?
I just can't stand their willful ignorance.
if one day, you had to give account to god for your spiritual inactivity, what would you say?
SH*T; you're real??
zero gravity - when nasa first started sending up astronauts, they quickly .
discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity.
to combat this problem, nasa scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 c. the russians used a pencil.
I disagree that it is an urban legend ....
I know someone who received one of these AMAZING pens as a retirement gift after 40 years service as a chemist with a multi national company ... so they must have cost a fortune. Either that or he was a crap chemist!