What is the point? Really?
In this day and age, why do people still feel they have to believe in a god? I can see why people were roped into it a few thousand years ago when there were no reasonable scientific explanations for even the smallest of things, but there is a much better understanding of things now. Something as simple as an earthquake, how would you explain that if you had no understanding of the science? The earth moving below you, terrifying and awe inspiring to say the least, what kind of supreme power could have caused that? He must have been angry with us!
Why would there be a god? To create us and leave us to kill ourselves? What would be the point in creating all of this, just so that he could sit back and watch every wrongful death, human suffering and everything else that?s wrong with the world, take place? What is the point? Freewill? What about the Asian Tsunami, what was the point of letting that happen? And people TURN to god in times like this (I can?t believe it), yeah that?s right, turn and worship a god that by definition of your belief, had the power to control the events that just killed hundreds of thousands of people. Compassionate. Bull sh*t.
And even if you still believe there is a god, which one do you choose? Which faith do you choose? Which religion do you choose? There are so many out there, and everyone is the right one, so how are you ever meant to choose? You could never study each one sufficiently to make an informed decision. If there is a god, why didn?t he just give us a definite single path that we could all follow, harmonise under and worship him as he is so desperately in need for us to do (insecure to the Max)? What?s that, the Bible? So maybe we don?t adhere to a religion, but follow what the Bible tells us? Which one then?
Im not sure what bible you are reading from
Couldn?t have put it better my self.
If there is or was ever a god, we are now so far removed from the ability to believe in him that he has completely lost the plot.
It?s time to wake up and smell the stench in the ether people.