Oh right, somehow I didn't think this sounded like WT style new light.
I wonder about Mormon heaven.
well i thought i had heard it all but, the mercury columns "will christians enjoy sex in heaven" just hurt my brain.
how can god allow sexual relations in heaven without marriage??
in heaven there is no need for anyone to belong exclusively to another(wow!!!
Oh right, somehow I didn't think this sounded like WT style new light.
I wonder about Mormon heaven.
well i thought i had heard it all but, the mercury columns "will christians enjoy sex in heaven" just hurt my brain.
how can god allow sexual relations in heaven without marriage??
in heaven there is no need for anyone to belong exclusively to another(wow!!!
This is new WT reaching, or what? I'm totally lost.
i am looking for the book the harp of god.
i am told it has some crazy passages in it.
can anyone put up some quotes of the book?
It still majors on Zionism I think.
I was reading Comfort for the Jews the other day, which promoted Zionism very strongly in 1925. Yet by the early 1930s Rutherford had totally rejected Zionism. I wonder what happened in just five years to so radically alter his view.
There is some irony in the fact that Watchtower strongly predicted a Jewish homeland for decades, but abandoned the prediction just a few years before it actually happened.
i am looking for the book the harp of god.
i am told it has some crazy passages in it.
can anyone put up some quotes of the book?
It was the first real study book, wasn't it? I got a copy at a car boot sale in Wales 20 years ago for 30p. I know because it still has 30p marked on it. I tried to read it but honestly it's not the easiest read. I seem to remember a lot about 1799 and jubilees. I can't help falling asleep when I read about jubilees.
Incidentally I do think I remember the reason given for the unusual title. The Harp of God was the instrument David played, and each chapter represents a string in the harp, and together they convey the melody of the truth. I forget because the metaphor breaks down there.
in 2016 there were over 300 shootings in sweden, mostly in turf battles between gangs over drugs, protection rackets and prostitution.. “people are shot to death in pizza restaurants, people are killed by hand grenades they find on the street,” sweden democrat leader jimmie akesson said in parliament on wednesday.
“this is the new sweden; the new, exciting dynamic, multicultural paradise that so many here in this assembly ... have fought to create for so many years.” reuters....
'Sweden is what Tumblr would look like if it was a country'.
Somewhat intrigued by this enigmatic statement. The more predictable scaremongering: less intrigued.
all creationist arguments follow an identical pattern.. first a quick way to remember the format - 'complexity, complexity, complexity; therefore god'.. now a more detailed guide to formulating an argument.. identify some complex feature of the natural world.
a quick google search or nature documentary will quickly provide inspiration.
creationist websites have hundreds of them you can copy-paste without attribution.. do no research at all on what is currently known about the evolutionary history of this feature.
Emma was not a conventional Christian. She was a Unitarian. We were discussing this in church last Sunday. Unitarianism in the nineteenth century was not as liberal as today, but it still stressed tolerance, reason and personal faith rather than literal reliance on scriptural texts. Emma was troubled by her husband's lack of faith, but perhaps less troubled and more supportive than a conventional Christian might have been.
My reason tells me that honest & conscientious doubts cannot be a sin, but I feel it would be a painful void between us. I thank you from my heart for your openness with me & I should dread the feeling that you were concealing your opinions from the fear of giving me pain … my own dear Charley we now do belong to each other & I cannot help being open with you.
is it vital for credibility to have the name of the writer of an article referenced?.
does this allow for honesty and accountability?
does this assist in ensuring that whatever is presented is as factual as possible, or not biased in some way toward the religion's ideas?.
I think people are naturally more careful about what they write when they need to put their name to it.
The reason Watchtower publications became anonymous upon the death of president Rutherford is purportedly because the new president Knorr didn't write Watchtower material and didn't want this to be known, which it would be if someone else's name appeared on the literature.
Fred Franz is credited with authoring a large amount of Watchtower literature including the NWT and many of the prophetical commentaries and doctrinal tracts of the postwar period, such as Babylon the Great Has Fallen and The Word Who is He According to John.
Some have speculated that Franz also wrote the later books attributed to Rutherford. Technical analysis should now/soon be able to settle that question, as well as the authorship of the Studies in the Scriptures. (Maria Russell claimed she wrote them)
Notable books that were not authored by Fred Franz include the Aid/Insight books, the Commentary on James, Happiness, Life How Did it Get Here? Writers included Ed Dunlap, Raymond Franz, Colin Quackenbush and others.
Lloyd Barry and John Barr are credited with some of the writing in the 1980s and 1990s.
Who took over from them is a bit of a mystery. Among current GB members, Jackson, Sanderson and Splane appear to be the most likely candidates for involvement in the revised NWT and other projects. But GB members perhaps have little time for writing.
Plus Watchtower doesn't actually publish much new material now anyway, do they? Maybe they don't need many writers any more. Even WT study articles are revisions of earlier articles (the latest "avenger of blood" article a case in point).
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
I think the main point of the whole exercise is simply to give elders the smug feeling that they've done something extraordinarily wonderful by understanding and applying some (pretty arbitrary) rules correctly.
You can see it all over the middle elder's face, that he really thinks they have scaled the heights of pure wisdom itself by ingeniously deciphering the "correct" solution to each case. They consider it a blessing for the young sister to be relieved of pioneering, plus they feel a warm glow that the decision "upholds the high standards of pioneering", that the rules about the elder taking time off are wise and just, that showing consideration for the older sister is a demonstration of unparalleled compassion, but that in all cases it's absolutely vital to understand and follow the minutiae of the instructions and always consult the circuit overseer when indicated.
They could just as easily have come to completely the opposite solutions: remove elder and old sister as pioneers, and keep younger sister, quote scriptures and make up rules to justify each decision. Like many Watchtower rules they are arbitrary and subject to change.
But having such rules fosters the idea that they belong to a considerate and orderly theocratic system, and they derive their own sense of worth by recognising and respecting the instructions and their own role in implementing them.
i found the following article to be a nice contrast to the jw's gloomy point of view.. why 2017 was the best year in human history.
we all know that the world is going to hell.
given the rising risk of nuclear war with north korea, the paralysis in congress, warfare in yemen and syria, atrocities in myanmar and a president who may be going cuckoo, you might think 2017 was the worst year ever.. but you’d be wrong.
‘Look! The days are coming,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, 'When I will send a famine into the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But for hearing the words of Jehovah. They will stagger from sea to sea And from the north to the east. They will rove about searching for the word of Jehovah, but they will not find it.
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
Lol, true.